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Time Skip: Five months


They lost. Frank, Brendon, Pete and Tyler lost.

Tyler's parents won.

Pete wrapped his arms around Tyler, who was sobbing. The brown-haired teen had to wait two years until he could get out. Who knows if he could survive that long?

"Frank! Pete! Bren!" The young teen cried out as he was pried away from his friends. "Please! Don't -- don't!" He thrashed in the security guards's arms, but to no avail.

Brendon was in tears, inconsolable. Frank was trying his best through, tears flowing down his face as he alternated between comforting Brendon and looking at Tyler, knowing there was nothing he could do.

Pete was numb. His thoughts swarmed with "we should have"s and "what if"s. He didn't even realize the tears wetting his face until a sob forced its way out of him.

Two months later

Pete, Brendon and Frank hadn't seen Tyler since the failed court attempt. Tyler's windows were boarded up from the inside and no light shone from them. Ever.

School had restarted after summer break last week and Tyler was nowhere to be found.

"I can't just sit by" Pete announced to himself as we was sitting outside Tyler's window. He knew his friend was getting beat still, he could hear it.

Pete searched alleyways for two days, refusing to enter the school unless Tyler was entering with him. Then, one day he found it, a crowbar.

Back at Tyler's house, Pete climbed up to the second floor, where Tyler's room was located. He slammed the crowbar against the window, sending glass shattering. A few pieces stuck themselves into Pete's skin, but he ignored them.

He sound hear the sounds of fists hitting skin, a belt clinking and whistling through the air. He could smell the stench of blood through the wood. He took the crowbar and began prying the wood off. It was a wonder Tyler's dad didn't notice.

Once he had broke through, the attention of both Tyler and his dad were on Pete. Pete had no time to take in his friend's appearance before Tyler's father was rushing towards him. Pete swung the crowbar at the man, hitting him in the neck and jaw so hard he heard a loud crack and the man fell to the floor.

Pete failed to notice the open door where Tyler's mom had seen the whole thing and had a phone in her hand. She dialed 9-1-1 and began speaking quietly to the cops.

"A teenager broke in, I think he just killed my husband" getting an idea she quickly added another statement. "He also beat my son." The police told her to state her address and leave the house, they would be there as soon as they could.

No, Pete didn't notice any of this. He was kneeling by Tyler, taking in his swollen face and limbs, his bleeding back and overall horrid appearance. Not an inch of visible skin wasn't bruised. Pete dropped the crowbar and began to sob, cradling Tyler's head in his lap.

"Pete" the young teen croaked.

"Shh buddy. I've got you, Petey's got you. Y-you'll be fine." Pete can't stop crying, for fear that Tyler may not live through this.

Suddenly, boots are heard stomping through the house and four cops enter the room swiftly. Two paramedics are behind them.

"Freeze! You're under arrest for trespassing, breaking and entering, assault and battery and manslaughter. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to a lawyer, if you can not afford a lawyer, the state will provide one for you." An officer announces while one removes Tyler from Pete and another detains Pete, handcuffing him before he can react.

Tyler cries out as a paramedic takes him away. Not just in pain, as the officers suspect, but in fear of what will happen to Pete. Another paramedic brings in a body bag and another joins the first in order to place Tyler's deceased father into the bag.

Pete is dumbfounded and numb, the cops take advantage of this to drag the teen from the house.


Brendon hears the sirens and rushes to the first place he can think of, Tyler's house. Lo and behold, three police cars and a ambulance are parked in front of the house. Brendon arrives just in time to see Tyler placed on a stretcher and Pete lead out in handcuffs, much to Brendon's shock.

The tall teen manages to explain to a paramedic that he's Tyler's friend and the paramedic allows him to ride in the ambulance with Tyler to the hospital. The brown-haired teen is unconscious and Brendon hopes with all his might that Tyler will wake up.

"May I use your phone? I have to call m-my brother and I left my phone at home." Brendon partially lies. He doesn't have a phone.

"Sure, hon" the paramedic in the back on the other side of Tyler smiles softly, handing him her phone.

Brendon dials the number for the apartment building that Frank is able to live in.


"May I speak with Frank Iero, room 126, please?"

There's a click as the call is transferred to Frank's room and the newly legal adult picks up right away.


"Frank, it's me Bren. I'm in an ambulance with Ty." The teen lowers his voice so the paramedic won't hear him. "His dad really fucked him up this time. I don't know a lot of details except that there were ambulances and cop cars, I'm pretty sure Pete's been arrested and Tyler is in really bad shape, as in he could die bad shape. We're heading to Royal Hospital, meet us there." And with that Brendon hangs up, giving the phone back to the paramedic. The very next thing he does is burst into tears realizing that Tyler could die at any moment and Pete was probably going off to jail. Everything was going downhill and Brendon had no control over any of it.

(A/N: I hope you liked that! It only goes downhill from here kiddos.

At least do a little while.)

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