-+you're crashing, but...-+

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Third Person::Omniscient::

Patrick and Pete::

Patrick sat at the divided booth, looking at Pete through the glass as he picked up the phone.

"Hey" Patrick says, uncertain of how else to start their conversation.

"Hey" Pete laughs nervously.

"I miss you" Patrick says, and something inside Pete flutters. "Tyler, Ryan and Frank all miss you too."

"Gosh, I miss you and the gang too. How are they?" Pete doesn't deny that it hurts that Patrick was the first to come and visit him. But they all must have their reasons.

"Tyler is still in the hospital, but it shouldn't be too much longer. Josh is there every day, visiting him. Ty's mom was arrested a little while after you were and his custody was transferred over to Frank. Gee is in college, I haven't heard anything from Brendon and Ryan's parents won't let him visit you." Patrick summarizes.

"What about you?" Pete asks, eyeing Patrick.

"I got kicked out of my house. I came out to my parents as gay and they told me to get packing." Patrick admits, looking down and tracing shapes on the countertop.

"Hey, it's their loss" Pete assures, tapping the glass lightly. Patrick looks up with a smile. As if it was a scene from a screwed up romance novel, Patrick placed his hand flat against the glass. Pete mirrors this action, smiling.

A nearby guard on Patrick's side of the glass begins walking over, a sign that their time is up.

"I'll wait for you" Patrick promises, his hand still against the glass.

"I'll wait for you" Pete repeats. Neither know what they'll be waiting for, or what they're promising. They just know that they'll wait for the other.

The guard reaches the station and speaks to Patrick.

"It's time for you to go," Patrick nods.

"Bye Pete. I'll be back." Pete nods and smiles softly before they both hang up the phones. A guard from Pete's side comes over and escorts Pete away. The guard on Patrick's side does the same.

"If you don't mind, the two of you make a rather cute couple" the guard says as the two walk through the halls.

"Pete and I?" Patrick asks, blushing. "We - err... we're not really a couple sir."

The guard laughs "Is that so? I have a feeling that won't last very long." They reach the end of the corridor and the security guard turns to Patrick.

"What's your name?"

"Patrick, sir" Patrick responds.

"Call me Spencer, Patrick. I have a feeling that we'll be seeing a lot of each other for a long while."

Patrick nods in agreement, smiling slightly. As he leaves through the  reception room, he turns to wave at Spencer, who waves back with a smile.


"So you have yourself a boyfriend?" The guard escorting Pete comments.

"What! No... we're not a couple. At least not yet" Pete says, muttering the last sentence.

"You sure seem like one to me, Wentz. Besides, I have a feeling that even if you're not a couple now, you sure as hell will be one by the time you get released."

Pete blushes, thinking back to the conversation he just had with Patrick. Looking back, the end seemed a little romantic.

"Some advise Wentz? Don't let a guy like yours get away" the guard says after a bit of silence.

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