+Prologue 0.5 (pt.2)+

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((A/N: bear with my for this chapter guys, I'm not as good with this group's intro as I was with the last one's.

Also: Frank and Gee are seniors (12th graders). Josh, Melanie, Halsey, Patrick, Pete and Brendon are juniors (11th graders). Ryan and Tyler are sophomores (10th grade).))


"Josh! It's time for breakfast!" The voice of his mom comes from downstairs, as does the aroma of pancakes.

"Coming!" He shout back, grabbing his sweatshirt and running downstairs.

"Your dad will be picking you and Gerard up from school today" his mom reminds Josh, setting the pancakes down in front of the teen.

"M'kay" he mumbles through a mouthful of pancakes. "Hey, d'ya think Gee and I could meet up at the arcade with Pat, Ry and Mel?"

"Sure, just be back by eight" Josh's mom warns, turning to face him.

"But mom, we're not babies anymore-"

"I don't care, Joshua" her tone is stern as she crosses her arms at her son. "There are bad things, bad people out at night, thieves and druggies and drunkards. I mean it when I say that I don't want you out at night."

"Yes, mom" Josh sighs before a car horn is hear outside.

"Hurry up, Josh!" Ryan's voice is heard from outside. Josh hugs his mom goodbye, grabs his backpack and runs out the door. Patrick was already in the shotgun seat, so Josh sit in the back. "We're gonna pick up Mel" Ryan comments, turning down Clemmont's Grove.

"What's up fuckers?" Melanie asks, opening the car door and sliding into the back seat all in one smooth move. Josh turns  in his seat.

"Not much, but someone's been getting some action" he raises an eyebrow at the purple hickey near his friend's collarbone. Ryan and Patrick both begin to laugh in the front seats, knowing Melanie and her girlfriend can't keep their hands off of each other.

"My girlfriend Ashley spent the night Saturday" Melanie shrugs, grinning and adjusting her shirt to cover the bruise.


Gerard sighed when Ryan pulled up with Melanie, Patrick and Josh in the car.

"One of these days you guys are gonna be late" he says, asking his head at his friends as the bell rings.

"We're fine" Josh dismisses before dragging Melanie off to their first period English class.

Gerard had failed biology last year, so he was placed in the sophomore biology class. Patrick follows Gerard to their biology classroom and reach it just before the late bell rings.

"Oh look, it's the fucking rich kid" a kid with dark hair and bangs covering an eye hisses to his friend.

"Shut up, Pete" his friend groans, not even bothering to look at who his friend is talking about. 'Pete' glares at Gerard before looking at the board where the teacher has begun the lesson.

"Just ignore them Gee" Patrick says, resting his head on Gerard's shoulder.

"I know Pat, but it's not like I go around flaunting my parents' money. The only advantage I'll get from it is my lack of student debt." Gerard mutters, putting his arm around his friend's shoulders.

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