+-paint you wings-+

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(A/N: Did you guys like the last chapter?)

"Wait, Ty's in the hospital?" He hisses into the phone. Over the last few months the red-haired teen had begun to develop a small crush on his new friend.

"Yeah," Ryan responds. "Brendon just called me."

"Royal Hospital, right? Im going to head down, do you want to come?"

"My parents won't let me leave the house. Plus, they think Brendon and Pete are bad influences."

"Alright, I'll text you what happens." Josh decides before ending the call and throwing on a sweatshirt.

"Mom! I'm going out!" He calls into the house.

"Where?" She shouts back from the kitchen.

"Royal Hospital, my friend Tyler got into an accident or something and i want to go be there for him."

"You're so sweet" his mom replies smiling. "Stay as long as you need to, just call every few hours. I'll call the school and get any missing work for you."

"Thanks mom" Josh says, hugging her tight before getting into his car and driving off to the hospital.

Frank is sitting alone with Tyler, the steady beat of the heart minister reassuring him that his young friend is still alive.

"F-Frank?" Tyler groans, waking up.

"Shh bud, you're going to be alright" Frank assures him. It's at this moment that a police officer enters the room.

"I see that you're awake, Mr. Joseph." Tyler and Frank both cringe, Tyler's father was Mr. Joseph, and not to speak ill of the dead, but Tyler's father was an utter asshole.

"You'll be happy to know what the teen we apprehended at your household is in jail. He has admitted to all of his crimes except one -- assault and battery. He claims that you were in this state before he entered. I need you to tell me what happened Thursday night."

"Thursday?" Tyler asks in confusion.

"Today is Sunday, you've been out for three days" Frank supplies. "Do what the officer says bub."

"I-I was being beat b-by my f-father, sir." Tyler replies anxiously. "P-Pete entered through the boarded w-window and m-my father charged at him. P-Pete swung the crowbar that he must have used to break in at my father. There w-was a loud c-crack and my father fell t-to the floor. I-I don't r-remember much after t-that."

"Pete?" The officer questions "You know this teen?"

"We both do, sir, he's a good friend of ours" Frank answers. "He never would have hurt Tyler, they're like brothers. We all are. Pete just wanted to protect Tyler as he's done before."

The officer makes note of this, nodding before he leaves the room.

"Pete's in jail?!" Gerard asks in shock, pacing his college dorm.

"Yeah, when the officer came in, he told us that Pete had admitted to the charges of manslaughter and breaking and entering, but pleaded innocent to the charges of assault and battery." Frank reports.

"Damn. How are you guys holding up?" Sure, Gerard may not know them very well, but Pete, Tyler, Brendon and Frank were friends.

"Brendon left after hearing Tyler's condition on Wednesday. I haven't seen him since."

"How's Tyler doing?"

"Not good" Frank says solemnly. "His right leg is broken, he's got three fractured ribs, his left wrist is broken, three fingers on his right hand are broken, his left femur is fractured, his right shoulder is dislocated and he almost had a collapsed lung."

"Holy shite" Gerard says in shock.

"Holy shite" the red-haired teen was in shock, looking at his unconscious friend.

"That's what Gerard said" Frank says with a small laugh. Josh turns to the older teen, taking in the heavy eye bags and his disheveled, slumped appearance.

"How're you holding up? Not Brendon, you" Josh asks.

"Honestly? Not good. I haven't slept in days and I'm probably going to get fired soon." Frank confesses with a sigh.

"Go home, get some sleep, go to work" Josh encourages.


"I'll stay with Tyler" Josh promises. Frank looks to Tyler for a moment before nodding.

"Make sure he knows that I didn't just leave him, okay?" Frank pleads, grabbing his jacket.

"I promise" Josh says, sitting down next to Tyler. Frank leaves and Josh sighs shakily, scared for the younger teen.

Brendon walks downstairs, leaving his room for the first time since Tyler was admitted to the hospital. He had left, inconsolable, when he heard Tyler's condition. His head was still pounding, he needed to clear his mind. Brendon had decided to go on a walk before a voice called out to him.


"Yeah Ma?" He calls out. His parents were okay people, they just didn't care about him and more often than not, they were too drunk or high to care.

"You okay? You look like you've got a lot weighing you down."

"I'm f.... I'm not okay Ma" he confesses, sitting down next to her. She reeked of whatever drug she'd been smoking.

"Talk to me, baby. Have a smoke while you're at it." She said, offering him a small tube and a plate with powder on it.

Against his better conscious, he accepts the plate, repeating the actions he's seen his parents do so many times. He then begins to spill all of his troubles to his mom, the two alternating between using the substance.

(A/N: so this chapter is about 100 words shorter than usual, but you're likely to get another chapter tonight.)

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