+young and menace+

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"I don't care what you want to do, Gerard, you're coming to the gala and that's final! And dress presentably, none of this ripped jeans, leather jacket, stupid shirt shit! I will not allow you to be seen like some homeless punk, it tarnishes the Way reputation! Understand?!" Donald Way informed his son, glaring sternly at the teen.

"Yes, dad" Gerard sighs, biting his cheek.

"So what if I want to dress in ripped jeans and a leather jacket?" He mutters after his dad has left. "I don't give a fuck about your reputation."

Regardless of his thoughts, he pits on black slacks, a pressed white shirt and black polished shoes, grimacing at the discomfort. He leaves his blazer in the closet, grabbing his leather jacket, just to piss his dad off.


After enduring glaring from his parents and socializing with disapproving, stuck-up high society people, Gerard manages to find an isolates corner by an open window.

His younger brother, Mikey, is off somewhere, talking ti someone. Mikey was the perfect, poster Way family child. He went to a private school, where Gerard refused to step foot into the building, forcing his parent o take him to a public school, much to their distaste.

Gerard is startled put of his blank trance when someone climbs in through the window. Gerard recognizes him as the kid who call him a "fucking rich kid" in biology the other day.

"Hey" Gerard hisses, looking around to make sure no one can see them. "What are you doing?"

"Stealing food" the kid replies. "Hey, you're that Way kid from my Biology class."

"The one and only, the name's Gerard."

"Pete" he replies, looking around and groaning when he recluses that the food is surrounded by people.

"Wait here" Gerard decides. "I'll get you food if you take me out of here." Pete thinks for a moment before nodding.

Pete stands behind the large, heavy curtains, unseen by all as Gerard goes and piles a plate full of food, he also steals some cling-wrap from under the table as well, covering the food.

Once Gerard reaches Pete, the shorter boy takes off his backpack and takes the lid off of a tupper-ware container. He put the food inside and set the paper plate and cling-wrap onto the floor.

"Let's go, rich kid" Pete says, slinging the backpack onto his back again. He climbs out the window, using pipes, ledges and bricks to climb down to the second floor window. Gerard follows him, copying Pete to the best of his ability and slipping occasionally.

Once there, Pete stands on the window ledge.

"Watch me carefully, 'cause best case scenario, you sprain an ankle. Worst case-- let's just say we don't want the worst case scenario." With that, the teen jumps from the window ledge.

He had used the ledge to push himself away from the building and, just before he hut the ground, he tucked and rolled, standing up unharmed and meeting with another, shorter teen Gerard hadn't seen.

Gerard is hesitant, not wanting to jump, knowing that he won't be able to do what Pete had done.

"It's not as far as it looks, Pete's just a show-off!" The other teen shouts up. "It's about a ten-foot drop, you'll be fine! When you hit the ground, bend your knees to absorb the impact! If you're not comfortable with that, start running when you hit the ground, okay?!" Pete's friend advises and Gerard nods, trusting the stranger.

Gerard takes a deep breath, and jumps. He's airborne for a few seconds before her hits the ground, an odd, tingling feeling rushing up his ankle. He ignites it jogs a little, taking the edge off of the impact, also allowing the tingling feeling to fade away.

"That was awesome" Gerard grins wildly.

"Frank, this is Gerard, Gerard, this is Frank." Pete introduces and Gerard looks at the other teen, realizing that he had some classes with the shorter black-haired teen.

"We have classes together, you ass" Frank shoves Pete playfully and Gerard grins at the two. His phone buzzes and he takes it from his pocket, it's a text from his dad.

Where are you? It reads.

I'm with some friends, I'll be home before 10 tonight. Gerard responds, knowing his dad won't care.

You better be is the only respond he gets and Gerard grins, looking at the two people he just met.

"-you coming?" Pete asks Gerard after the puts his phone back.

"What? Sorry I was texting my dad" he apologizes.

"We're picking up some friends and heading out to the diamonds" Frank responds for Pete.

"Sure, can I invite some friends too?"

"No problem, have them bring you some jeans and tennis shoes, tell them to wear the same" Frank replies, and Gerard notices that Pete is gone.

"Where did--?" Gerard starts to ask.

"Pete went to climb into to some more windows, our friends live on the other side of town and the only one of us who can both legally drive and has access to a car that he didn't hotwire or 'borrow' is not Pete." Frank explains, making finger quotes around the word "borrow".

"Oh" is Gerard's only reply as the two start walking towards the softball diamonds.


"You should text your friends" Frank reminds Gerard as they stop at a park, about a twenty minute's walk from the building where the gala was held.

"Right" Gerard agrees, pulling out his phone and texting his groupchat

Gee: Can you guys come to the diamonds in 10-ish minutes?

Patrick Tree: sure, I'm doing bored out of my mind.

Ryro: Shut up Patty, I'm at your house.

Gee: business trip again?

Ryro: Yeah, my ma and dad are out for the weekend,

Jishwa: Yeah, I'm free.

Gee: Great. Wear jeans and tennis shoes. Jishwa, since you're closest, will you bring me some too?

Jishwa: Sure.

Gee: Cool, set ya in 10

With that, Gerard turns off his phone and looks over at Frank.

"They're all coming, there's three more of them."

"Cool, we better get going, it's about a ten minute walk and unlike Pete, I don't know any good shortcuts."

(A/N: Y'all are lucky I have a lot of ideas for this book. It's a double update day too, I stopped writing the next chapter of Adopted on Tour to write this.)

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