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(A/N: Hey look! It's a nice, drama-less filler-type chapter!)

"M-mom? D-dad?" Patrick announces his presence to the living room.

"Yes, son?" "Yes dear?" His parents reply, looking up from what they were doing.

"I-I have something that I wanted to tell you guys." He says, hands trembling nervously.

"Don't be nervous, dear. You can tell us anything" Patrick's mom reassures him.

"I--I" Patrick takes a deep breath. "I'm gay" the room becomes silent and Patrick hesitantly looks up. His father's face is red and his mother is pale.

"I WILL NOT TOLERATE HAVING A F***** AS A SON!" The man roars, leaping to his feet and Patrick cowers back.

"Go" his mother says sternly. "Get out of this house now. Take your belongings. We don't want to see you until you're over this stupid phase."

Patrick runs to his room, he knew there was a chance that his parents wouldn't accept him so he had packed a duffle bag full of clothes and a backpack full of items he would need. He had money stuffed into the bag as well and his car keys were in his pocket.

Instead of rushing all the way through the house, Patrick used the skill Pete taught all of his friends. Climbing in and out of windows. Patrick runs his car and gets in, starting it and beginning to drive off to Ryan's house.

Ryan, of course, had been bisexual for a year and a half now. Meaning when Patrick told Ryan that he was coming out to his parents, the younger boy immediately offered his house as a safe haven, should he be rejected.

Patrick stopped at a red light and called Ryan.

"Hey Pat, how'd it go?" Ryan asked cheerfully.

"I'm on my way over to yours" Patrick responds quietly, still a little shaken as he remembers his father's outburst.

"See you in a bit" Ryan replies, less cheerful than before. Patrick ends the call and continues driving. To go from behind loved to hated in a fraction of time was enough to shake anyone.

Three months before the court case.
"Hey Frank?" Tyler says, gaining his friend's attention.

"What's up Ty?"

"How did you know that you were gay?" He asks quietly.

"Oh that's easy" Frank replies with a grin. "I got a boner every time I saw a hot guy and nothing without a dick turned me on." This reply makes Tyler's face flame red. "Why?"

"I think I might be g-gay. Or bi" Tyler responds, his face still red.

"Neat. If you need any porn--"

"Frank!" Tyler exclaims, hitting his friend in the shoulder.

"Just kidding!" The older teen laughs.

Gerard & Frank
One week before the case
"Hey babe" Frank says, combing his fingers through Gerard's shoulder-length, dark hair.

"Yeah" Gerard hums, reading a comic book with his head in his boyfriend's lap.

"When should we tell our friends?"

"After the case" Gerard says after a moment of hesitation.

"What if we don't win?" Frank says quietly, causing Gerard to sit up.

"We'll have to find out then. But you seem to have a good case." Gerard says, he'd been worrying about the same thing and honestly, the odds were against them.

"Yeah, I just can't help but worry" Frank admits, leaning on Gerard's shoulder.

"It'll be okay" Gerard says, but he can't help but to second guess himself.

(A/N: really short, pretty gay. Accept it. You already got a full tonight. You might get one tomorrow, or it might be for Adopted on Tour. Idk.)

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