-Interlude 1.0-

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And here, the second part of our story begins.

When Tyler woke up in his hospital bed, he was alone. A note by his bed read

"Sorry that I had to leave, I missed as much school as I was allowed. Frank is at Pete's trial then has to go into work and Brendon is still gone. Ryan said that he'd visit soon. -Josh"

A doctor enters and it's then that Tyler noticed all of the casts on his body.

"W-what did my father do to me?" He asked shakily.

"Your right leg is broken, you have three fractured ribs, your left wrist is broken, three fingers on your right hand are broken, your left femur is fractured, and your right shoulder is dislocated. I'm happy to say that you will make a full recovery, but physical therapy will be needed. Yesterday your mother was tried and convicted of child neglect and abuse." Tyler breathes a sigh of relief as the last pieces of information were presented to him.

"What about paying for all of this? And I don't have any relatives, what happens to me next?"

"Your hospital stay and physical therapy will be paid for from your late father's separate bank account that seemed to possess a rather large sum of money. Originally it was supposed to be your late aunt's but it was transferred to your father upon her death. It hasn't been touched since." The doctor says, reading off of the documents that have been presented to him by the authorities.

"Nearly four months ago, a young adult by the name of Frank Iero attempted to gain custody of you, yes?"

"Yes sir" Tyler responds. "We had been planning it for a very long time. All of my friends knew of my home life, but none of the authorities we went to seemed to do anything about it. We decided that, because Frank is the oldest, he would attempt to gain custody of me. It was the only option we had left. But it failed. We didn't have the proper facts or evidence or whatever and I was sent back to my parents."

"The court has looked over the custody case and has decided to grant Mr. Iero custody of him and he will be payed child support." Tyler's face breaks into a large grin at this, his joy uncontainable and the Doctor smiles at this.


Pete:: Ex-Con::
Pete sat, dreading his sentence. He knew how the legal system worked, and Patrick had helped him study the consequences of his charges and his situation.

The system was against Pete. He was to be tried as an adult and he wasn't allowed parole after he blew up at an officer. Plus, he was a homeless kid, a thief and he had been to jail once or twice before. This was different. Pete had killed a man. Yes, it was in defense of a Tyler, but the court didn't look into that.

Tyler was the only actual witness, but he wasn't considered a liable source as he was half-conscious the entire time and was in a state of shock. Tyler's mother though, she testified against Pete. She said that she had seen Pete purposely hit her husband with the crowbar, killing him.

And Pete did nothing to speak against it.

"I only broke in because I was worried for Tyler. I was worried about him too, but I was worried for him. No one, no one that really cared about Tyler, had seen him for three months. So I broke in. And I caught Tyler's father beating Tyler black, blue and red. So I swung my crowbar. I meant to knock him out and call the cops, but I must have hit him too hard or in the wrong spot. I-" his voice breaks "I killed him. I didn't mean to, but I did." This was the final statement Pete gave, a closing statement if you will.

"For breaking and entering, along with the charges of assault and unintentional murder" the judge spits out the word murder as if it was coated in acid. "Peter Wentz will be sentenced to prison for two and a half years -- without parole." And with the bang of a gavel, Pete's fate was sealed.


A knock comes from Frank's apartment door and he opens it to a police officer.

"Frank Iero?" The officer asks and Frank nods. "Follow me" Frank complies nervously. Once outside, the officer opens the door for the nineteen year old and closes it behind them. Once they've begun driving, the officer speaks again.

"After the recent death and incarceration of Tyler Joseph's parents, the court went over your failed custody case. You have been granted custody of Joseph but you will be under supervision for at least a few months. You're extremely lucky to be getting this change, kid. Most courts would just send him to the orphanage. I hope you know what you're doing."

"Thanks officer, but I know what I'm doing. I practically raised Tyler. Our friends Pete and Brendon helped too. We were in a position where we could do everything but actually remove Tyler from his household, so we did what we could."

"Good on you, Iero. I hope this turns out well for you." The officer says, pulling up to the hospital. "I assume you know where Tyler is?"

"I do" Frank nods before getting out of the car. He thanks the officer and walks into the hospital, a wide grin on his face.


He hated how he loved it. The high. He shouldn't be using these drugs to get away from his problems, they're going to screw him up.

But he couldn't stop. They made everything go away.

Pete was in jail, Frank was working his ass of all day every day, and Tyler... Fuck, Ty could be dead for all Brendon knew.

He knew that he should stop, that it was bad for him. But damnit, it made him feel so good.


(A/N 2: Hope you liked it! The second and longer part of this story has begun!)

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