-Hole In My Heart-

105 11 63

(A/N: Author Satan (tm) is back frens!
Side note, this chapter begins the day after the last one ended on.)

Pete sighed as he stared at the wall of his cell. Prison sucked. Luckily he wasn't paired with anyone too bad. His cell mates name was Ray and was in for selling drugs.

"Hey, Pete" speaking of his cell mate Ray... "You still awake?" It was a kind of 'free time' in their cells, and Pete had a tendency to nap during these times.

"Yeah" Pete sighs, rolling over to looks down at Ray's giant poof of hair that was lying on the floor of their cell. The rest of Ray was lying on the floor too, but the first thing Pete notices is always the 'fro.

"Me too. Prison sucks man."

"Yeah. But you got yourself here by doing something illegal, cupcake hands." Pete comments. Ray had only been here for three days and had practically told Pete his life story. He wanted to be in a band, his hair is his pride and joy, and he once stuck his hand into a cupcake while talking to someone.

"Well, if you're here, then you did something illegal too" Ray points out.

"Yeah, well you knew it was illegal" Pete fires back calmly.

"What the hell did you do man? You're still a minor, why didn't you get sent to Juvie then transferred here when you turned 18?"

"I broke into a house and accidentally killed someone" Pete replies nonchalantly. "Technically though, I shouldn't even be here."

"How? You fucking killed someone!" Ray exclaims, sitting up on the floor.

"It was self-defense. Kind of. And it wasn't intentional." And so Pete launches into his explanation of who Tyler, Frank, and Brendon are, the failed adoption attempt, the three-month silence from Tyler, and how he got arrested.

"Damn" Ray whistles once Pete's done. "The system is really against you, huh? Any way you can get out?"

"Nope" Pete answers. "Two and a half years without parole."

Ray nods and changes the subject.


"Iero!" The voice of Frank's boss comes, causing him to look up from the table Frank was wiping down.

He had gotten a job at a diner just outside of the slums. He managed to get a shift that went from 6pm to 10:30. It was 10:17 according to Frank's watch and he was tired. He'd barely slept in two days, constantly struggling with work, college, and his four or more hours of homework each night.

"Yes, sir?"

"You've been washing that table for the last ten minutes." Frank blinks at this news before realizing that it's true.

"Sorry sir... College has been kicking my ass" he admits.

"Listen, we're closing up. It's Friday, go home and get some sleep."

"Thank you," Frank smiles gratefully and wearily.

"Don't make this a reoccurring thing, now" his boss warns and Frank nods, heading to the back to change out of his uniform.

Arriving at his apartment, Frank unlocks the door to find Halsey lounging on his couch.

"Your dad's mad at you again?" Frank assumes, hanging up his jacket.

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