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"Ryan?" Patrick calls into the seemingly empty house. No reply comes, the house is absolutely silent. The teen enters the kitchen, hoping to see a note, but finds the room bare of one. A light flashes on the home phone answering machine and he presses the playback button. (A/N: side note- these do still exist. I have one at my house. It's a landline.)

"Ryan, Patrick, this is Ma" Patrick smiles because Ryan's parents have practically adopted him and insist he call them 'Ma' and 'Pops'. "Something came up for work, we have to go back to the office until 12, then we have that two week-long work trip. We'll probably be gone before either of you get up. Love you!"

Patrick smiles, but it quickly fades when he realizes that he still doesn't know where Ryan is. He jogs upstairs, but Ryan isn't in his room. Nervously, he begins pacing in the younger teen's room.

"It's fine. He probably just went on a walk..... at 9:00 pm...... near the slums..... he probably went to Brendon's or Frank's. That's all." Patrick tried to reassure himself, removing his hat and running a hand through his hair absently. "Yeah, he'll be back soon."

And with this, Patrick leaves to enter his own room, sitting on his bed for a long time before accidentally drifting off to sleep. Little did he know that Ryan wouldn't be coming home that night, or the next.


Ryan had always been a passive kid. Never one to fight back, or get involved into a conflict. He never was any good at putting up a fight anyway. And that's what had gotten him into this situation. Shackled by the ankle to a wall, hands bound.

Three days ago, Ryan had been kidnapped. For two days Ryan had been beat. Yesterday Ryan had been completely ignored. Today, he didn't know what was going to happen to him.

"Hello, pretty boy" the door to his cell-type room opens and his kidnapper enters.

"Why - why am I still here?" Ryan gasps, his ribs aching.

"Well you see, normally we just beat people up and leave them on the side of the road. But you, you baby boy, seemed to be too good of an offer to pass up. Innocent, naive, pure."

His kidnapper says this with a sick grin, stepping closer to Ryan with every few words. Eventually, he is standing ever so close to the sitting boy and he crouches down. A hand reaches out to caress Ryan's cheek as he hisses into the younger male's ear:

"Ripping those things away from you will be, and has been, such fun." A sick laugh erupts from the young adult, and Ryan's skin crawls.

"P-please. J-just l-let me g-go" Ryan stutters, shaking. He's afraid, petrified of what could happen to him. Of what their man could do to him when he's helpless.

"Haven't you learned anything these past three days, baby boy? I'm not letting you go, not by a long shot." A cruel, harsh laugh erupts from the man as he leans closer to Ryan.

"You're mine now" the man's tongue trails down from Ryan's earlobe and under his jaw before he grabs Ryan's face. "All mine" lips are shoved against Ryan's and teeth bite his bottom lip, drawing blood before the man is standing up again, and leaving the room without a second glance.

Ryan sits in shock and disgust. This man seemed vile, with vile intentions. And he was Ryan's first kiss, however violating it was.


Tyler had moved in with Frank, and currently, Gerard. His boyfriend had seemed a little more... detached after being discharged, but who wouldn't be acting off after finding out that they had MPD and Depression?

"How's your friend?" His history teacher, Mr Trohman asks. He's been letting Josh leave early from his class lately, at the cost of extra homework and before-school visits.

"He's been a little off. He got discharged on Thursday, and was given some meds for his MPD and Depression. The doctor said that he'll rejoin school after winter break, by then he should be fully healed and adjusted." Mr Trohman nods, thinking.

"And you, yourself?" He asks after a few moments.

"Fine is guess. I'm really worried about him. He's really important to me, and he's been through so much already that I'm worried that he'll do something .... bad." Josh pauses, biting the indies of his cheek. "He doesn't seem like the type to do anything too" here he pauses, in search of the right word. "Anything too self-destructive" he decides. "But.."

"You never really know" Mr Trohman sympathizes. "You must really be worried about your boyfriend."

"Yeah I - wait! I never said anything about Ty being my boyfriend!" Josh exclaims in surprise.

"It takes one to know one" his teacher smiles, holding up his left hand to point at his wedding ring. "I have a husband who works at the YMCA downtown." He explains at Josh's confused look.

"When you talked about your boyfriend, "Ty" as you call him, my gaydar started going off, son." Just after this statement, the Brel for homeroom rang, and Josh stood up.

"I'll see you later, sir!" He says, grabbing his back and heading out the door, smiling.

"See you, Josh!" Mr Trohman calls to the exiting teen.


"How're you doing, Ty?" Gerard says, entering the younger teen's room. He finds that the brunette is asleep, and he smiles softly. Tyler's face is peaceful, unlike how it's been the last few days. Gerard flicks the light off and exits, just in time for someone to start knocking at the door.

"Hello?" Gerard calls through the door.

"Gee, open the fucking door now" Ashley's rushed, panting voice comes from the other side, and Gerard doesn't hesitate in complying.

"Lock it" she says, after she enters. The runs to the other side of the apartment, locking the window and shutting the blinds and curtains. Gerard does as she says, again.

"What's going on, Ash?" The blue-haired teen turns around to face Gerard and takes a deep breath.

"Basically, my dad's a mob boss and I've got people after me now because I disobeyed. It'll die down soon, but it's annoying as fuck and I didn't want anyone to see me." She explains before sitting down on the couch.

"... okay then" Gerard says after some silence before going to sit down on the couch next to her.


"Does Melanie know?"


"Is she okay?"

"Peachy. My dad wouldn't go after her for something I did."

Gerard nods, unsure of how to continue. "Make yourself at home. Tyler is in his room" he point to Tyler's door. "The bathroom is next door and I'm going to be sleeping in the room on the other side of the bathroom."

"Got it" Ashley says with a mock salute, before reaching for the TV remote.

Gerard stands up and walks to the room that he's been sharing with Frank and collapses on the bed, picking up a book off of the bedside table and starting to read where he left off.


(A/N: That's it for now. I'm a little tired. Hope you liked it.)

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