-+So Long, Soldier-+

99 11 85

(A/N: You're going to hate me after this chapter.)

Josh sat outside the school, on the steps. He had promised Tyler that he would go with the junior to pick up his schedule.

"Hey, Jish" Tyler's voice causes the now blue-haired teen to look up from the ant-watching he had been doing.

"Ready?" Josh asks, and Tyler nods, using his crutches to help him inside.

This past week, Tyler had continued to be detached, especially when talking with Josh. Josh was getting confused. What was going on? Was it something he did? Was Tyler not attracted to him anymore?

He shakes the last thought from his mind, Tyler was definitely still attracted to him, if the makeout sessions and the bodily results were any indication.


Tyler couldn't stand being re-introduced into his classroom. He didn't like the attention, the stares. He knew everyone, and they all knew him.

Apparently his hospitalization, his home life, and Pete's arrest had been on the news. He knew he was going to get mocked at the very least. Or, people were going to be extremely pitying. Worse yet, they'd start talking about Pete.

Tyler found a seat in the back of the classroom, away from everyone else and sat there. His only real friend in this grade was Ryan, and Ryan was officially a missing person.

The teacher began to drone on about biology, and Tyler forced himself to pay attention. He was far enough behind as it is.


After unpacking his clothes into his dorm, which thankfully wasn't anywhere near the contamination site, Gerard lied back onto the bed. It would be odd now, sleeping by himself. He would miss Frank and all of their friends. Speaking of Frank, Gerard's boyfriend still hadn't been able to get a new job.

The dark-haired teen pulled out his computer and logged into the app for the bank. Frank had told him time and time again that he couldn't take Gerard's money, but over and over Gerard had ignored him.

Ten minutes later, and the transaction was completed. $2,000 dollars from his annoyingly large bank account had been transferred from his bank account into Frank's. It didn't bother Gerard much. Most of it was money from his share of his parent's business that he was forced to take part in. In other words, it was money he wish that he never had.


Frank:: Overworked::
"Damnit Gerard" Frank mutters out loud when he checks his bank account later that morning. He loves his boyfriend, he really does, but Frank has told Gerard time and time again that he doesn't want Gerard's money.

Looking at the clock, frank realized that he had better get to the city bus stop if he wanted to get to the community college in time.

On the bus ride there, Frank thinks over his schedule for the day. Once he gets home, he'll have to do his homework, which takes a few hours. Tyler volunteered to make dinner, so the two would eat together. Then he had to go job hunting.

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