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Summer was over and school started again. Well, there's no difference for me. Summer is the same and School is the same. Its not something great like vacations!!! shopping!!! sleepovers!!! It's the usual - hang out with the guys, eat hamburgers, burp loudly, have a competition of who finishes their coke - cold drink - first and stuff.

The first and the last time I had went for a sleepover was when I was in 10th grade, Clarissa and her friends talked me in it, but they all freaked out when they found that I always have a white band around my boobs to make them look flat and they were disgusted that I pretend I haven't got my periods when I'm laying on my bed and I don't go and wear a pad till I actually feel the need. So you get my drift? I'm too gross to have sleepovers. Well, making my chest look flat... that's only because its easier to play football that way and the coach was kind of convinced to have me in our school team only then. 

Now, some serious stuff about my life, I was good at school, I had good grades, I was good at sports - like any kind of sport. I had friends, and two of them were girls. I shared an apartment with them. Amy and Betty. Betty was different than me. She slayed all the cheerleaders in our school, but she never really bragged about it or had an attitude. She was really nice, and she wasn't embarrassed to be seen with me. She was my favorite person in the world, honestly. Amy was like my soul sister. We did everything together and we were just like each other. I loved her so much and she was really really close to me. Betty and Amy were the only two relevant friends I had, who did not judge me and loved me back.

Tommy, Erin, Peter, Dan, Valton and Calum were my guy friends. They were all really stupid but we hung out a lot. Calum was my best friend. I had two best friends - Calum and Amy. They understood me really well, now, I do not have anything to be understood about but they kind of handle me during my stupid fits when I want to punch everyone in school and burn people alive. I love these guys and they almost treated me like a guy too. 

Clarissa, Emita, Lola and Arshi - they were bitches. Like, total bitches. I hated them a lot. I have punched Clarissa so many times in school because she always messed with me and made fun of my clothes and hair. She hated me so much because I always hung out with Erin and Dan and she had a huge crush on them. Little does she know how much fun we make of her. But, these four girls were ruining my life in high school. 

Luke Hemmings was the nerd of the entire school, he gave us free Math lessons. Now, he wasn't all sweet and grateful, he had this huge crush on Amy and Amy liked him too, so they kind of clicked together. They're still rolling with their relationship and sometimes I can hear Amy screaming from her room when Luke is over, you know..those kind of noises. I didn't really get the entire crush thing. I've never really had a crush on any of the guys in school.

Ashton Irwin and Betty are the hottest thing in our school. They fight and then they make up, like, all the time. Betty is the best with relationship advises and she helps Amy a lot because Amy is so new to this entire thing. Ashton is really sweet but he hates me so I hate him back. Betty and Ashton mostly have fights because of his behaviour towards me.

So that was all about me and the people I knew. I am in 12th grade now and this is my final year in school, I honestly have no idea what I'm gonna do in my future. I really like Economics but I haven't really thought of doing anything that's not football or skating. College life can be scary - or that is what these teachers are gonna say and honestly, I am not ready for it. But this year is going to be the last year of school so I'm not really going to stress about college and try to chill.

Right now, I'm in our school assembly. The same common thing they have at the start of every year. Its kinda boring but right now I was more focused on Clarissa crying and weeping about something. Because lets face it - she's always crying about something stupid. The thing I hated the most about her was that she was the cheerleading team captain. I had to see her cheerful fake self everytime I played football and rather than cheering me, it dragged my mood down. I would rather shove those pom poms in her mouth and throw her in the ocean to drown but then I calmed myself down, and tried to relax. I didn't need her shit for my bad performance in football.

"She's cryin' about her kitty," says Tommy.

"Why would she cry about her kitty?" I ask.

"Dunno, she lost it or something," Tommy shrugged.

"Gosh, girls and their pet stories," I rolled my eyes.

"We're in the same class again!" Calum took a seat next to me.

"Like always!" I wink and fist bump him.

"Where's Amy?" asked Betty.

"Making out with Luke somewhere," Erin chuckled.

"Gross," I mumbled.

"Anyway, guys," Erin spoke, "this dude is gonna be in our group from today.."

"Which dude?" Betty questioned. 

"His name is Michael, he's my uncle's son. They've just moved here so he's gonna start school today. He's in our class," Erin explained.

"Does he skate?" I asked.

"Yup, he's a legend in skating, that's what I've heard," Erin answered.

"Balls!" Calum made a face, "he got any Sydney swag?" 

"Swag?" Betty turned to Calum, "Can't take you seriously with that word,"

"Whatever," Calum ignored her, "Where's he?" Calum asked.

"Gonna be here in 5," Erin answered. 

We all got up from our seats and went to our school playground, because assembly was done. Either way, we didn't really pay attention to it. We sat at our usual spot and heard Betty bitch about Ashton. They were really funny, but again, they had a fight because of me. I walked on them having an intercourse and Ashton thinks I don't have the decency to knock, well, whatever. 

"Let's skate," I stood up, tired from hearing about how I caused their break up, because I was scared that Betty and Ashton would never get back together, as Ashton would never really respect me. 

"Leggo!" Calum stood up, almost in a second. I could tell he was bored too.

We went to the skate walk and started doing our shit, this old skate walk was getting boring, I really wanted to go to the park but I had been in my 'days' the past week. 

After about 15 minutes we stopped. I stood on the edge with Calum and I saw this really pale guy standing with my friends. Erin was kinf of introducing him to the others, so I assumed he's Michael.

"Is that the new guy?" I asked Calum.

"Seems like," he shrugged.

"Kinda cute, huh," I say, absent minded.

"Uh huh," he smirked, "you just said the cute word,"

"Fuck, I mean, he's cute to be a guy, would have mistaken him for a girl if Erin didn't specify he's a guy," I cover up and Calum laughed.

"Let's go down there, we have a class, anyway," Calum said and jumped down as I did the same, we both skate towards our  friends and Calum did a little jump thing on Erin and scared the shit out of him, and I glanced over at Michael, who was laughing. He was really cute.

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