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It had been a week since school started and it was almost time for our assignments. I already teamed up with Calum because Amy never gets to be with me for assignments as the teachers make sure we're not together. Which is really stupid. Like, are we still 3?

But it was really whatever. We made sure we were with one of our friends because both of us really don't get along with more than half the class.

"We'll be together?" I leaned over to Calum and asked him.

We were in Economics and I really liked Economics. Almost everytime Calum only paired with me because I did all the work. My friends bully me, this is a cruel world.

"Of course, but its a three people assignment," he replied.

"Can we take Michael?" I asked, mentally hitting myself for saying this in front of Calum.

"Michael?" he raised an eyebrow, "he hooked up with Lola, you know?"

"What?" I almost choked, "You serious?"

"Yup," he nodded, "but okay, I'll ask him,"

He hooked up with Lola. That means she's not important, right? She's just a girl toy, yeah? Oh boy. Why the fuck do I care who he's with! Ugh, Emizie. Concentrate. Economics. Love of your life. Calum. Yes, that's all about you.

"Michael!" Calum called over to him,.he was sitting on the third row and we were on the fourth row.

"Yes?" I heard his voice, though his face was nowhere to be seen.

"Pair up with us for Economics, man," Calum said.

"Sure thing, dude," he replied.

Calum looked over at me, "You like him, don't you?"

"No.. Its just, I don't know much about him and you know... We can all bond over.." I explained and he just laughed.

"He makes you nervous," Calum said.

"Nobody makes me nervous, get it?" I said, sternly.

"Who's making whom nervous?" I heard Michael standing over both of us.

"Uh," shit. Say something Emizie. Uh is not what you're supposed to reply, "We were talking about Eminem," You're such a loser, wow.

"That's.... great," he replied.

"Yeah, you can sit," I shift a bit offering him space.

"Thanks," he smiled, "so what are we exactly gonna do?"

"The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility?" I offered.

"Um, that's too easy," Michael replied.

"Oh," I said. Easy? It took me 4 days to explain it to Calum.

"Yeah, Uh we'll take Law Of Supply?" he suggested.

"Now, that's too easy," I challenged.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "Um. Calum, which one out of the two?" he asked.

Calum just laughed, "I ain't doing anything, its all you guys,"

Michael sighed, "Just pick one up,"

"Law Of Consumption," Calum said.

"Yes!" I agreed.

"What?! No!" Michael immediately replied, "I don't know shit about that law,"

"Cmon!" I insisted, "Nobody will take that one, its our time to shine,"

"Also, Em will do everything," Calum said.

"Why don't you go to sleep?" I mocked him.

"You'll have to explain it to me," Michael frowned.

"That's not a problem," I replied.

"Okay, I'll go and give the teacher our topic," Michael got up and left and I unintentionally stared at him talking to the teacher.

"He's so dreamy," Calum joked.

"Fuck off, Calum," I sighed.

"But, seriously! Have you ever thought about why you don't like skating anymore?" Calum asked.

"Dude!" I replied defensively, "I never said I don't like it anymore. I'm just off it, lately."

"You're like the skater girl of the school, Em. You being off skating and admiring Michael is a big deal than you think it is,"

"I don't understand how you're connecting two situations, really."

"Since the day Lola said it awes her to call you a girl in front of Michael, you've been acting different,"

"Because I am a girl! Even if people forget it!" I snapped.

"Wow. See, now you're trying to pull up an argument like those girls,"

"I'm not doing anything! I'm just bored of skating all the time I have! A person can get bored!"

"Stop getting so defensive then," he shrugged.

"I don't want to have this conversation with you," I frowned and started drawing something on my book.

"Look, its cool to have crushes and stuff, I don't want you to get hard on yourself," he said.

"Calum, it doesn't matter if I like him or not. He's into girls like Lola, there's no way me and Michael could ever happen," I laughed.

Skater Girl // Michael Clifford.Where stories live. Discover now