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The next four days of school were great. Me and Michael hung out more and I actually felt comfortable hanging out with him. But there were some problems between me and Calum. Lately I had been avoiding our plans so I could hang out with Michael. It was never a big deal - me and Calum not hanging out together but he had been acting so weird lately, it was starting to piss me off.

"You know, the party won't be that bad," I started the conversation with Calum. Pleading him to come to the actual party with me and not just abandon me and play video games.

"You're going with Michael, so why do you even want me?" he asked.

"Um, because you're my best friend?"

"Yeah? I thought that was Michael," he rolled his eyes.

"What's your problem?" I asked him, irritated.

"My problem? Well, its that you used to be my best friend and I don't even know who you are anymore! Seriously, look at you! Since when did you start wearing tank tops? Shorts? You don't even come out to skate anymore and you hardly come for football practices,"

"Seriously? Are you going to throw a fit on me because of that? I'm growing up, have you heard of that?" I replied.

"Yeah, right. All of this just to impress that Michael! Its not even worth it!"

"I'm not impressing anyone. Wow, shoot me for feeling comfortable in in these clothes! I'm not even wearing skirts or dresses or applying makeup, you're just overreacting,"

"What are you gonna wear that in the party? Shorts? Huh? He's just using you, do you not see it!"

"How the hell is he using me? You make no sense. If you don't want to come then just say a no, not give me shit reasons," I said, calmly this time.

"I wanted to ask you to come with me for the party but seems like he already did, so you two have fun,"

"Calum," I rolled my eyes, "Its not even like a date. We can go in a group, why don't you understand!"

"Fine!" he got up and started to walk out of the door, "I'll see you at 8!"

"Calum, I love you!" I stood up too.

"Thanks, I love me too," he replied.

"Obnoxious," I muttered.

"Lesser than Michael," he shrugged.

"Stop being so jealous," I chuckled and walked towards him.

"I'm not jealous," he tried to give me a confused look.

"Yes, you are. Its written on your face. The last time you were like this was when me and Erin started bonding up,"

He bit his lower lip, "And you still don't understand that I may have a thing for you?"

"A thing for me?" I asked, wide eyed, "Why would anyone have a thing for me?!"

"I've known you for so long and I don't know. Its weird talking about it," he replied.

"But you were so positive about my crush on Michael," I stated.

"Well, I didn't think it was that serious... I don't know, Em. Its weird. I like you but it kind of makes me want to puke thinking about asking you out,"

I tried hard not to blush, this was the first time a guy told me that he liked me in that way. And being it my own best friend, I should be freaked out right now but instead I was blushing like an idiot.

"I know you just like me as your best friend," I replied.

"Its not just as a best friend, I'm sure of that. I like you. And I don't know which tag to give it. Sorry I can be an ass sometimes. I get it, you like Michael, I'll stay out of your way,"

"Calum," I smiled, "you're really cute. And I know this is just getting really weird because I have never thought about you  like that and also, I'm not hardcore falling for Michael so stop acting like I'm in a relationship and all that shit,"

"This is getting weird, isn't it?" he gave a nervous laugh, "But if you dress up like this all the time.... I'll have to get rid of you,"

"What!" I pushed him slightly, "You loser. I'm gonna screw you tomorrow at practice! Why do you not like it?" I asked.

"It makes me realize how pretty and breathtaking you are and my little crush gets out of my hand, you know?" he shrugged, "Would you please intentionally get ugly again?"

I raised an eyebrow, "If that's how you confess your crush to someone, you need to get hit by a truck,"

"Don't friendzone me, please," he said.

I laughed, "Calum, dude seriously? I don't even know what to do or how to react. Honestly, I am the worst at this. Like.... look at me talking to you like this just when you say all of this,"

"Hey, Em," he stepped closer to"Its 1st April,"

"Yeah...so?" I asked, absent-minded.

"April fool's day," he said and ran.

That's when I realized he was joking about this entire thing, What an asshole.

"CALUM, YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I ran behind him suddenly remembering about how nobody would ever have a crush on me, how stupid of me, to be honest.

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