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After two hours me and Michael were almost done with our assignment. We just had to give the sheets to Calum so he could draw graphs wherever they're needed. I stretched and smiled at him, "Didn't know you liked Economics," I said.

"I love it," he flashed a smile.

"Me too, its really cool," I replied.

"Lets go for pizza?" he asked.

I looked down at myself, instantly becoming self conscious. I couldn't go out like this. Tank top? Ew no.

"Do you have a jersey that I can borrow?" I asked.


"I'm not gonna go out in tank top,"

"Its fine!"

"You haven't seen me eat, I'm a monster."

"Its all okay, really," he smiled.

I just shrugged, "Lets go then,"

"Don't you want to do some makeup?" he asked.

"No! Please!" I almost gagged.

"Okay okay," he laughed, "lets go. Lets go skating?"

"I didn't get my skate board," I sighed remembering how I was so sick of skating.

"Take Erin's skate board then," he smirked and walked to the living room.


We arrived at the pizza corner after fooling around and skating and scaring stupid annoying girls on the street. I was really hungry and I was going to freak him out with my appetite, I'm sure.

We took the corner table and I started feeling really nervous. I avoid going to restaurants because I am so nasty and and everyone around thinks I'm a lion who was left open and ran away from a zoo, gosh.. okay Em, listen, it doesn't fucking matter. Just be cool, Be cool.

The waitress arrived towards us and smiled at us and we exchanged smiles, "What would you like to have?" she asked.

"One large double cheese pizza, one veg burger, one portion garlic bread with cheese and one large coke," I ordered. Was that too little? Amy would tease how less my appetite is in front of guys.

"That's all?" the waitress smiled at me. She was actually nice, I thought. Most of them give me a worried and gross look about it.

"Yeah," Michael smiled.

"You aren't gonna eat anything?" I asked him.

"What? You ordered all of that just for yourself?" he looked at me strangely.

The waitress chuckled, "out of all your dates this week, I like her, Clifford," she winked.

"What? You guys know each other?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's uh.. a friend. And she's not my date, Maisy, we're just friends," He awkwardly spoke, "and I'd like to have, you know what," he smiled.

"Alright, I'll get it in a few minutes," she smiled and left.

"She's so nice," I started the conversation.

"Yeah, she's very cool. I met her like a week back," he side smiled.

"Right. Okay," I replied.

"You know about the party Tommy's throwing?" he asked.

"Yeah. He's been bragging about it so much," I replied.

"You're going?" hs asked again.

"Obviously. Gonna play video games with Calum in Tommy's gaming room," I laughed.

"Nahh," he sighed, "Come to the party!"

"No. I don't own a dress or anything like that!" I replied defensively.

"C'mon. Please! I'll take you shopping. You can ask your friend Betty for some clothes," he insisted.

"I'll..um, think about it?" I said a bit uncomfortably.

"Perfect!" He grinned.

"I didn't know that you knew Betty," I said.

"Ah, she's hot," he stated, I wasn't jealous. Nope. NO.

"Yeah," I nervously replied.

"You know you look kinda scared me away the first day," he chuckled.

"Oh boy, why?" I asked.

Our conversation was interrupted by the waitress getting our food. Michael's order was pasta. I did not like pasta at all, I thought its taste was disgusting.

"Your pizza will be up here soon," she smiled and walked away.

"Okay," I took a deep breath, "Lets get started!"

I took a big bite of my burger and offered Michael a bit of it, he took a bite and he actually liked it. I completed the burger in less than 7 minutes. I eat like I'm never going to get to eat again, its annoying, I know.

I took a piece of garlic bread and took a bite of it, "mhmm, this is amazing!" I exclaimed.

"You're too cute," he chuckled.

I don't know if I could ever blush but right now I was. Blushing so hard.

"So... you were scared of me before?" I continued our previous conversation and ignoring his compliment.

"You were just like 'I'll own you at skating. Nobody skates better than me!' and I was kind of scared that you'll embarrass me in front of everyone," he explained.

I chuckled, "Sorry. I just get too excited when I see new students. As of skating... Um, I'm a bit off it, actually,"

"Why that?" he asked.

"I got my football practice and stuff, I wanna be in the team this time too,"

He almost choked on his coke, "You're in our football team?"

"Yeah," I bit my lower lip, "I think I'll play for defense this time,"

"Woah. That's so cool! Wait - that's why you look flat in your jersey -" he stopped himself from talking, "Uh, you know what I mean. I thought you were a guy first," he scratched the back of his neck.

I just laughed, "You're not the first one,"

"But that's seriously so cool. I'm gonna watch you play. When's the first match?" he grinned.

"Next week," I answered, "Do you have any interest in any sport?" I asked.

"Yeah, basketball. I love it!"

"That's amazing!" I smiled.

"Your appetite is so cute," he stated suddenly.

"How can my appetite be cute?" I laughed.

"I don't know," he shrugged, "its adorable,"

"You sure you aren't in a trauma?" I cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Nahh," he smirked, "your pizza is almost here. How about we share it?" he wiggled his eyebrows.

He's so cute, I thought to myself.

Skater Girl // Michael Clifford.Where stories live. Discover now