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"Emizie, stop!" I heard Michael yell behind me but I kept walking, I wasn't going to listen to his shit, not yet.

"Emizie, I swear to god, just listen to me," he soon got hold of my hand and pulled me in a corner of the building holding me close to him.

"I don't wanna talk to you, Michael," I simply stated.

His put his hand on my tummy, making sure I don't run away from him, "Just listen to me, don't talk," he said.

He was so close to me, I was scared. Okay, not typically scared but I had never been so close to a guy, specially to the guy I like.

"Look, I'm not embarrassed of you, or ashamed or whatever the fuck you said there," he started, "honestly, I think you're too cute and I'm not even lying that I like you. I honestly do. But you see, Lola and me have this complicated thing going on, and if I tell her I'm friends with you she's just gonna make a huge scene out of it, and I don't want her to hurt you with her mean words,"

"So you chose to hurt me with your words? Making fun of me? Telling me how I haven't hit puberty yet? And telling me how I'm prude?!" I asked him.

He chuckled and looked down at my stomach and then looked up at me, "you're so perfect in wondrous of ways,"

"Don't change the topic!" I snapped at him.

"Okay, look I am sorry for saying all of that, but your scowl.. oh god, Emizie, its so cute," he said.

"Why do you keep calling me cute?!" I asked, irritated.

"I don't know, maybe because you are cute, Emizie," he shrugged.

"If someone catches us, we're dead," I mumbled, "by the way, why do you call me Emizie and not Em?" I asked.

"Well, I don't really care if they do, I need to fix this first," he replied, "and Em is a name that your best friends call you, I don't wanna be your best friend,"

I felt myself blushing at how he said it was more important to fix things between us but scowled at how he said he didn't want to be my best friend, "Right. You hate me," I said.

"Nahh," he pulled me into his arms, "I kinda wanna be more than that,"

I looked at him with wide eyes, "best best friends?" I asked.

He just laughed, "God, no. Um, I don't know. Forget that," he replied quickly, "but you really haven't ever been kissed?" he asked.

"No," I bit my lower lip, "Sorry, I'm just so boring, no boy would ever want to be my first kiss,"

"Hmm," he rested his leg at the wall, I was still in his arms, "you know when I first saw you I thought I was gay,"

"What?" I chuckled.

"Like, I was kinda attracted to you, why do you think I asked if you were a she or a he?" he replied defensively, "but then I figured out that I wasn't gay, and then we started hanging out and I honestly feel so much at ease with you. I'm so sorry, Emizie, I'm sorry for ignoring you,"

"Its alright, everyone does that to me at some point," I shrugged.

"No, no, no. Its not your fault," he assured me.

"Okay, Its okay," I repeated.

"Calum called me last night," he started our incomplete conversation again.

"What did he say? Is he okay?" I asked, "Where is he?"

"He's fine, he's fine," Michael replied, "he called me to tell me that you have a crush on me and I should stop being an asshole to you,"

"What?" I almost yelled and Michael covered my mouth with his hand so that nobody hears us, I couldn't believe it. It was supposed to be a secret between me, Calum, Betty and Amy. And he just went ahead and told Michael that I had a crush on him? That was just so embarrassing for me.

"Uhh, yeah," he replied, "so, was he just fucking with me or?"

"Um," I almost choked, "he was just fucking with you, its nothing like that. I was so shocked, that is why!" I'm such an idiot. Oh god, for the first time you had it all set for you, and this is what you reply. Great.

"Okay," he sighed, "Alright, I'll let you go then," he loosened his grip, "see you around!"

"Michael," I said, "but if I liked you then? What would you do?"

"I'd actually kiss you because I do have hots for you, Emizie."

Skater Girl // Michael Clifford.Where stories live. Discover now