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"I don't know why I did that, I was just too tired of listening to the same shit all the time," I replied to Betty who was questioning me.

"Well, its good that you did. He can finally stop expecting a Lola out of you all the time," Betty replied.

"Or a Betty out of me," I snapped.

"What do you mean?" Betty asked. 

"Well, he called you hot once so obviously he expected me to be like you," I replied.

"Is that my problem?" Betty asked again, glaring at me.

"Of course not!" I replied sarcastically, "Of course fucking not. You do absolutely nothing. The fact that I sounded so goddamn contradicting my own self in front of him because I was wearing those stupid fucking shorts of yours and dressed up just like you and I tell him oh my god you know what?!?! I'm so proud to be me even if I'm dressed up nothing like me, only if you did not pollute my mind with shit like that I would actually be proud of me," 

"Wow, so you're just gonna blame it on me?" Betty raised her voice, "For fucks sake, I asked you if that's okay with you and you agreed. Don't blame it on me! Its not my fault that he thinks I'm hot, I did not ask him to. Its not my fault he expects you to be like me. You wanted his attention and I was just trying to help you!"

"I know! I'm not saying its your fault that he finds you hot, I'm just saying that maybe if you did not fill my mind with such thoughts I wouldn't  have tried being someone I am not," 

"Well, you know what? I'm sorry. I'm sorry I tried to help you, I guess Ashton is right, you're fucking hopeless. You're just jealous of Lola and her group because they are everything you want to be! And when you don't get to be like them, you just become really annoying and so freaking negative. Really, I'm sorry that your crush finds me hot! Its not my fault that you eat like a freaking elephant and the minute someone thinks you're attractive, you open your mouth and it all comes down to nothing!" 

"Right? Well YOU know what? I thought you were a genuine friend. But now I know what you actually think of me. I'm sorry that your boyfriend is so fucking shallow and narrow minded that he just can't accept the fact that girls like me exist other than his stereotypical view on girls. And me being jealous of Lola?" I laughed, "Please. I'd rather rot in hell. I feel bad for her, actually. And now, don't get that thing too high up your ass. I told you that I'm not blaming you about the entire being called 'hot' thing, honestly, I don't even care. I told you that maybe if you did not have to make me want to change myself, I'd be in a better place,"

"That's your problem. You can never be in a better place with that attitude. I was just being polite in a way by asking you to change a little because Michael Clifford wouldn't even look at you if you dressed up in your stupid jersey and shaggy jeans. That guy likes class and you have none, you look so freaking ugly with that snapback and I was just trying to make you look representable"

"I have no class? At least I'm not here criticizing how much your personality sucks, seriously. Lets just stop talking about I don't want to start insulting you because it'll be hard to stop," I spoke.

"Yeah?" Betty raised an eyebrow, "at least I didn't have to use a fake relationship to make my crush jealous. How about you think of how your parents were so freaking embarrassed of you as a child that they sent you away from them? You should be thankful to me that you have a place to live. Or else, you would actually rot in hell for all you know."

That was it. Anger was boiling inside me. How dare she? How fucking dare she? Who does she think she is? I'm here because of Amy. For fucks sake, my parents send a fucking draft of money which goes in Betty's pocket. I pay the rent. She isn't doing any fucking favour on me. My parents aren't proud of me? That's the biggest load of bullshit. I talk to my mom almost everyday, sometimes 5 times a day and my parents don't like me? What a bitch. What a fucking bitch.

I stood up and muttered a fuck you and got out of the house. I was aware that it was really late but I couldn't stay in that goddamn house after being insulted so much. I was crying, sobbing, shaking, running. All at once. What was happening to me? Where was I even going? I couldn't stop myself. I had to get away, get away from all of this. But where will I go? That too, so late at night? Well, here you have, some days are like these. And the only way to get through them is to remember that they are only one day, and that every day ends.

I was running, very irrationally but I was running and crying. There seemed to be no end with the running. I was so upset, my own friends could be so mean. So fucking mean. Amy wasn't around, Calum wasn't around. Tommy was out with his other friends, and Erin was out with his parents. I just had Betty and she was just a straight up bitch. As I was running I ran into someone, someone I knew way too well, someone who I had been running from.

"Emizie?" I heard his voice. 

I lost it. I lost it so bad. I couldn't deal with it. Michael, it was Michael. I started crying harder, I was sobbing. So many things bottled up inside me. Being all alone, Lola's insults, Amy not being around, Calum wouldn't talk to me - more like, I wouldn't talk to Calum. And I was really mad at Michael. For everything. For making me feel like I wasn't good enough, that I was a loser. I hated thinking that I had a crush on him and I would actually let him affect me so much. I just hugged him and cried harder, "I don't know. I don't know," I said.

"Emizie, calm down. I'll take you home," he said

."I don't want to go to that fucking house!" I replied, irritated.

"Alright, alright. Calm down, please?" he spoke.

"Just... just take me somewhere away, away from here," I muttered.

"Okay, but can you please calm down?" he pleaded.

"Just take me somewhere!" I yelled.

The next thing I knew that I was being dragged by Michael to somewhere I had no clue, but I didn't care. I just wanted to be lost. With him.

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