Our Story

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   Forgive me if this isn't as 'kilig' as all the other stories you guys read. I'm also sorry if it doesn't live up to your expectations, Age isn't an excuse but, fun fact: I'm only 14.

   Remember, Ruru is 24 in this book. Plus, Enca will last longer in this one shot because Kylie doesn't get pregnant that early.
    Let' get to it.

   "Uhm, Gab, is he the one who portrays the role of Ybarro?" Kylie asked her co-star, Gabbi, looking at this 'payatot' guy with Justin Beiber hair and and a really big mouth.

   "Ah, opo, Ate Ky. Why?" Gabbi replies.

   "Wala," she said. Although she really wanted to say that this guy's character and her character having a kid together is really weird because he looks like a developing fetus, she knew it wasn't very nice to. He looks so young compared to her but, they were only the same age. She looked down on her script, briefing herself that she'd have to imagine that he found him so attractive to make the reproduction-holding hands thing work.

   On a different corner of that very same room, Ruru was staring at a very beautiful lady in a golden dress and a veil. He knew it was rude to stare but, he couldn't help it. She's so beautiful.

   Then, the AD called them to do their scene. Although it was the most specific definition of 'awkward', that didn't stop the two from making the scene so beautiful.

   And the story only gets better from there, it has been seven months since they've started shooting. They are at the part where Ybrahim and Amihan fall in love A.K.A. the part where all the fans start dying.

    Personally, Kylie loved doing those scenes because she is finally getting to know her character to a whole new level and it feels so good to give Amihan the happiness that she deserves. For Ruru, he also cherished those moments but for a different reason. He liked doing the scenes because it creates a close bond between him and Kylie which he really does like.

   Once, Kylie had a fight scene and he watched from behind the camera. He couldn't help but find her so gorgeous in her shining blue armor as her brown locks bounced and flew all over the place. Her fierce face and her grace in martial arts were enough to make anyone's head turn, including Ruru's

   "Bro, you okay?" Rocco, their co-star, placed his hand on Ruru's shoulder causing him to snap out of his trance.

   "H-ha? Oo naman, bakit?" he asked.

   "You seem very into a certain woman as she's doing her scene," he replied looking at Kylie nodding her head to the director's instructions.

   "Di kaya. Magkaibigan lang kami, bro," he denies. They really were just friends except when they're briefing together before a romantic scene where they act as if they were a couple.

   "I didn't say anything," Rocco replied laughing.

   When Rocco left, Ruru continued looking at her. Unexpectedly, their eyes met. Kylie intended to look away but she couldn't. His dimpled grin was enough to keep her staring like an idiot. She kept looking at him in his kalasag. His body took a 180 degree turn, long gone was the payatot she once knew.

   "Kylie," Ruru calls her as she was about to leave for the actor's lounge.

   "Yes?" she replies walking to him still in that blue armor.

   "I-I uhm, n-never mind," he sighed. He was about to tell her that he liked her but he realized it might just be his inner Ybrahim that is deeply in love with her Amihan. It was just their characters that they took to a whole new level. That was it.

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