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She had her eyes on them all the time, almost every second of the day. Kylie sees everything that happens to her children in the house, being a very hands-on mom. So, it both pains and brings a sense of pride to her when she saw her son helping his sister with her writing. She isn't kidding when she says that she doesn't know where time went. Maybe she'll never really get used to this constant change caused by time.

"Mama, can I have a snack?" Amir asked, approaching her.

"Sure, Kuya. What do you want?" Kylie responded, suddenly more attentive albeit drowsy for no reason.

"I'll go get a granola bar."

"They're on the shelf, Kuya. I'll get them for you," she stood up.

"No, thanks, Ma. I can do it myself," Amir smiled and opened the food cabinet and reached for his snack with ease.

Kylie felt her chest twinge. He's so big already and it made her proud that he was such a big boy now but she couldn't help but feel sad about it. She felt like he was slowly slipping away from her fingers and everytime she had her grip again, he's growing up again. It saddened her that once upon a time, she was his sun and Ruru his moon, but now Amir was a bright star in a galaxy of his own. Soon enough, Noelle would follow her brother's steps.

"Mama?" she felt a small hand tapping her knee.

"Huh? Y-yes, Kikay?" she snapped out of her reverie and sat her daughter beside her.

"Baba's taking so long. Diba he's coming home na?" Noelle pouted.

"I'm sure he'll be home soon, Sweetheart. Just be a little patient, okay?" she replied and kissed the girl's forehead.

Noelle nodded.

"I heard somebody special to my heart is looking for me," a deep, masculine voice was heard.

Noelle got up and sprinted to the door, recognizing her father's voice, "Baba's home!"

"Hello, Kikay," Ruru smiled as Noelle's tiny figure approached him.

"Up, up!"

"Up, up, please," he reminded and took the little one in his arms as she pressed her forehead to the back of his hand.

"Baba," Amir smiled and showed his father some respect by making mano.

"Hey, Love," Kylie greeted, not making any sudden movements as to not hurt herself in her delicate state.

"Hi," Ruru smiled and pressed his lips against hers for a few seconds.

"You guys, ew!" Amir exclaimed jokingly. Their children were very used to seeing them all sweet and lovey-dovey like that.

"Kapag ikaw talaga nagka-girlfriend at nag-kiss kayo, susundan at susundan ko kayo para sabihin din yon sa inyo," Ruru joked and shuffled the hair of his firstborn.

"Oy, girlfriend ka diyan," Kylie reprimanded.

"Mama, always so serious," Amir snuggled closer to his mother.

"Love, I'm hungry. Is there any food in the kitchen?" Ruru asked walking towards the kitchen with Noelle still glued to his hip.

"BLT sandwich in the microwave, Love."

Then, a sudden wave of nausea shot through Kylie. It was so sudden and strong, it made her hold on to the island counter.

Ruru and the children noticed it. "Love, are you okay? What happened?"

"N-nothing serious, just a little tired, that's all," she smiled before running off to the comfort room, her hand over her mouth the whole time.

Kylie gently caressed her belly, "Lovebug, don't make Mama too nauseous. I didn't even tell your father yet."

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