Jealous 2.0

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Like the millenial woman that she is, Kylie scrolled down her instagram feed for long periods of time especially on days like these when she didn't have work. In her state, you would do the same too. Everytime she went out, fans would freak out at the mere sight of her. Although it is very flattering and she adores her fans, it can be overwhelming at times.

Her boredom was about to cross the borderline when she saw something that caught her attention. Her eyes widened and she could feel her blood heating up quickly. It was a picture of Ruru with this girl, presumably from the network. His hands were wrapped around her shoulders and the girl had hers around his torso. They both had killer grins facing the camera. What killed her more was the caption.

"Thank you for visiting, Sweetheart. Hope to see you again."

She won't deny it. The way that girl stares seems like she's belittling her. That girl isn't exactly ugly, far, far away from ugly. Her raven-black hair that fell straightly just below her shoulder looked so healthy and shiny. Her bronze complexity beautifully contrasted the plain white button-down blouse she was wearing. Her features screamed gorgeous all the way- from her round, dark brown orbs, button nose, and plump lips. Her legs are nice and long like a beauty queen's.

She felt very insecure and looking at that stupid boyfriend of hers didn't make it any better. His arm around her shoulder seemed to magnet to her sight.

She was just about to have a major meltdown when her door bell rang. She swiftly rose and ran to the gate.

"Hi, my love!" Ruru exclaimed so full of energy and charisma.

"Go away," she blankly said almost closing the gate at him.

Quickly, he barged in, "Baby, what's wrong?"

"Go away. What part of that do you not understand?" she glares at him.

"Miss Attitude, Damn!" he muttered.

She rolled her eyes and stormed inside her house. Ruru followed shortly with two paper bags in hand.

"Love, you hungry?" he asked casually. "I brought Açaí bowls."

"What are you doing here?"

"Bringing my girlfriend some food, my love," he smiled and kissed her forehead as he placed an ącaí bowl in front of her.

She quickly wiped her forehead, "I didn't ask you to. Go home."

"Ky, eat. You've been living off eggs, please eat this, my love," he sweet talked.

"I don't want to," she stood up and went upstairs.
"Kylie Nicole, open this door and tell me what's wrong," he instructs, knocking on her bedroom door while his girlfriend threw a tantrum inside. "Ky, I will break this door-"

"No, don't!" she opened the door quickly. I mean, that door cost her a whole lot of money.

He cupped her face in his hands, "Tell me what's going on. Why are you mad, hm?"

She harshly threw his hands off her face and went back to the sushi roll of blankets that she was a while ago.

He sighed and dragged his hand across his face. She is always so hard to deal with when she's like this.

"Love, my love, I missed you. Did you miss me?" he snuggled her with all the blankets surrounding her tiny body.

"We saw each other yesterday. Stop being dramatic," she replied, her back to him.

"That's not what I asked, Ky."

"I don't care."

"Love," he cooed, "What's wrong? Tell me naman so I can fix it."

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