The Introduction

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   "Love," Ruru's singsong voice rang through the walls of his condominium as he searched for his girlfriend.

   He creaked open the door to his bedroom, leaking in some light to its dark corners. As soon as the beams of light hit the corner where his closet was, he saw his raccoon of a girlfriend in his sweatshirt and her outfit was now a pool of clothes by her feet.

   He turned on the lights. "Excuse me, Kylie Padilla?!" he raised his eyebrows while his arms were on his waist.

   "Y-yes?" she responded with wide eyes and practiced innocence was oozing from her face.

   He walked to her still looking like he would eat her alive. He placed his arms on her shoulders and touched the material of his sweatshirt, "Who told you you could look so damn precious?"

   "W-what?" she stuttered, quite bewildered.

   "You look so damn precious in my sweatshirt," he smiled and put her face in between his palms. "Look at my baby! She's so cute!"

   "Love," she laughed and stuck out her tongue just when he was about to kiss her.

   Ruru laughed, "You're silly. I love you!"

   "I love you too," Kylie grinned and leaned in closer to his chest as Ruru crouched down and kissed her.

   Ruru caressed her hair and ran his hand down her neck while the other one was wrapped around her waist. Kylie had her arms wrapped around his neck while a smile lingered on their lips. Ruru took a hesitant step and crept his hand on her covered bum.

   "Uh-uh-uh," Kylie broke away from the kiss wagging her finger in front of his face.

   "Grr!" he growled and bit her finger and kept them between his teeth for a while.

   Kylie looked up at him as he did so and chuckled, "Stop, that's gross."

   "No, it's not. You're my queen, there's nothing gross about you," he let go of her finger and cupped her face to kiss her forehead. "So beautiful, my love!"

   "You tell me that too often," she snickered.

   "That's because you are! So precious," he cooed and kissed her right cheek. "So beautiful," he kissed her left cheeks. "So pretty," he kissed her nose. "And so, so mine," he planted a sweet, juicy kiss on her lips.

   "You say I'm your queen, right?"

   "Yeah," he rubbed his nose against hers.

   She scrunched her nose, "Make me coffee please? I'm cold."

   "Sure thing, my love," he winked and dispersed to the kitchen.

   Kylie bit her lip and smiled. She took off his sweatshirt and put her shirt back on. She went out of the bedroom and walked to her boyfriend on the kitchen counter.

   She crept up to him and wrapped her arms around his torso, "Boo!"

   He looked over his shoulder, "Hello there, silly one."

   "You didn't make me instant coffee, right?"

   "Nope, I know you don't like that," he then turned around and showed her what he was doing. "French pressed coffee!"

   "You're the best boyfriend in the world!" she squealed and jumped on him and kissed his cheek.

   "I know," he smiled. "Go on, drink it. Two packets of creamer and no sugar."

   She took a small sip from her coffee and closed her eyes in simple pleasure, "God, I love you so much."

   "I love you too. Go enjoy your coffee, mi amore," he smiled.

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