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So lemme just try getting rid of Mama and Baba for this one shot and try going with Mummy and Daddy instead. Love ya'll!
A 2-year-old Noelle Amariah held a crayon in her hand and drew colorful little pictures on the piece of paper against the coffee table whilst her mother watched in awe of her adorable little creation. Her chubby little hands looked so much like marshmallows with dimpled knuckles.

"What are you drawing, my love?" Kylie draws herself closer to her child and puts her arm around the child's small waist.

"I dwaw flowew."

There could only be so many r's in a sentence. The thing about the Madrid kids is that they are very articulate even at such early ages. All of them were known to have talked before they walked so it's no wonder they could communicate better than people their age.

"That's a pretty flower!"

The phone in Kylie's pocket rang its jolly little tune signaling that her husband was calling her through facetime from Tarlac.

"Daddy's calling, Noelle. Look!" she showed her phone screen to her tiny tot.

"Dadda!" the tot exclaimed as her mother answered the call. She was bouncing her little knees and made herself look like a ball, excited to see her Dadda.

"Hi, sweetheart! What are you doing?" Ruru says using his baby voice from the other line.

"I dwawing," she smiles as she clumsily showed her drawing to the camera.

"And a wonderful drawing it is too, angel."

"Do you wanna ask Daddy where he is?" Kylie butts in.

"Dadda, whewe? Dadda wowk?" she tilts her head to an adorable angle.

"No, Dadda's done working, sweetie. I'm on my way home. Would you like anything?" he asks, unknowingly making a gnarly mistake.

"Lolly! Daddy buy lolly fow Noelle peash?"

"For Noelle and Kuya, what about that?"

"Kuya in Lolo houth," she pouts.

"Kuya's not here, isn't he, bubby?" Kylie coos as she takes her daughter into her arms and sat her down on her lap. "I think Daddy has to drive safely now and put the phone down now. Right, Daddy?"

"Yeah, I need to go look for your lollies first, princess. Bye-bye! I love you! I'll see you soon!"

"Bye, Dadda!" the two girls chorused.

The call was ended and the Madrid girls continued their little arts and crafts session in the living room. Little did they know, Ruru couldn't find any of the lollipops his daughter was asking for when he was literally at the gate of their subdivision. It's not that he forgot about the lollipops an hour or two after the call but yeah, he COMPLETELY forgot about the lollipops. But hey, Noelle's two, she probably forgot about it by now, he thought.

He called again, this time making sure to text Kylie first to inform her to keep her voice down during the call.

"Hey, babe," Kylie says in a hushed voice.

"Hi. So, uhm, I'm four corners away from home," he smiled.

"That's great. We can't wait to see you again."

"The thing is though, I might have forgotten somebody's L-O-L-L-Y," he said a bit louder, confident that his daughter wouldn't be able to make a word out of the letters he just spelled out.

"You forgot her lollies? Love, she'll be furious," she shook her head and laughed.

"Lolly?" Noelle snapped her head towards the direction of the on going call. "Daddy buy lolly!"

The toddler climbed up the sofa with a cheeky grin upon her face as she completely took over the call.

"My princess!" Ruru exclaimed in forced joy.

"Dadda! Whewe lolly?"

"Darling, Dadda doesn't have your lolly," he resentfully replies.

"No! Dadda thay buy me lolly!" she pouted and crossed her pudgy arms across her chest.

"I know what I said, baby, but I couldn't find lollies anywhere," he lied.

"No more Dadda! I don't like," the little one huffed and jumped off the sofa to resume her previous activity.

"And here I was thinking she'd forget because she's two," Ruru chortled as he pulled up in the driveway.

Kylie hears the car's engine and ends the call. She opens the front door of their home and quickly gives her husband a hug and a kiss.

"You under estimate your daughter too much," she whispers and giggles.

"She can't stay mad for long," he says, "Can she?"

"I don't know. She was really looking forward to those lollies," she laughed.

They broke apart and headed to the direction of their grumpy daughter. Her brows were knitted together, her nose scrunched up, her cheeks extra red and her lips were in a perfect pout. Noelle was the cutest when she was mad.

"Hi, princess!" Ruru greets and kneels beside her so that they were in the same level.

The child didn't budge and instead shrugged her shoulder.

"Noelle Amariah, Daddy's home," he announces in a deeper voice and puckered his lips for a kiss from his kid.

Noelle did not wipe the angry look away from her face but puckered her lips and gave her dad a kiss anyways. Kylie, seated on the couch, laughed at how cute the situation was.

"Well, thank you for the kiss," he says with a polite nod.

"You'we we-kom," she murmurs and let out a hmph.

Ruru had to hold in a laugh as his teasing wife poked him in the back with her big toe as she, too, laughed at the situation.

"Are you upset? Are you mad at Dadda?" Ruru squats and gently grabs his daughter by the waist to sit her down in the little space that his legs created. The girl, being very small in stature, fit perfectly into that space with her back facing her father.


"Why? Can you tell me why you're mad at me?"

"No!" she whined.

"Angel, I can't figure how to solve this if you won't tell me why you're so angry."

The toddler stood up and ran with her chunky little legs to her mother.

"What's wrong, bubby?" Kylie coos as she picks her child up and sits her on her lap.

The little girl's eyes started to grow glossy and her breathing was hitched. Her lips were once again in a small pout.

"Lolly," she hiccuped as a lonesome tear trickled down her darling face.

Ruru felt a wave of guilt wash over him as his little baby shed that single tear. Honestly, he still felt like laughing but his poor baby was heartbroken over a lollipop. He thought about treasuring little moments like this before the day comes that it will be boys breaking her heart, not lollipops.

He cupped her small face in his hands and wiped the tear that managed to slip away from her cheek, "Hey, hey. No need to cry, princess. I'm sorry I don't have your lolly. You want Daddy make you an ice lolly instead?"

"Ayth lolly?" her eyes lit up as she snapped out of her little mood.

"Yeah! You want Daddy make you one?" he baby talked.

"YEAH! AYTH LOLLY!" she exclaimed as though the little mood she was in never existed and there was nothing wrong with the world.

Oh, the innocence of a toddler!
Don't throw shade on me for this one but this was actually supposed to be written with Mena Massoud and Naomi Scott but I was too lazy to make another book.

Also, yes 2-year-olds can speak that well. My siblings and I spoke better at that age. Fight me on this, I've seen the VCR's and the CD's.

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