TV Time

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"Highschool Musical?" Zhen's voice, monotonous and flat, rung out as she scanned through her sister's DVD collection.

The two older sisters shook their heads, "Next."

"Diamonds are Forever?" she raised it. The retro vibe of the cover dragging her sisters' eyes towards it.

"That will do," Queenie nodded and raised her empty bowl. "Zhen, more popcorn please."

"Ate, why me? It's only been me doing all the sh-"

"Hold it right there, Zherileen! You are not allowed to curse," Kylie warned, her pajama-covered legs pointing towards Zhen. "No!"

"Well, my sweet little sister, it's because we love you so much and yeah, we love you," Queenie laughed.

"Ate Kylie's your little sister too. Why not her?"

"I don't love her as much as I love you," she winked, her voice in a whisper but Kylie still heard her.

"Ah, ganon? Ganon?!" Kylie laughed grabbing the nearest, which also happens to be the thickest, throw pillow she had. "Girl, your hijab better be pinned well to your head because this pillow is as thick as Beyonce's booty!"

"Oh my, Ate Kylie!" Zhen screamed as her laughter became hysterical watching her two older sisters beat each other up with pillows like they were mad.

"Take. It. Back!" Kylie exclaimed laughing, hitting her sister with a pillow with each word.

"I am so telling Papa," Queenie giggled back.

"If you guys don't stop, I won't make popcorn, I swear!" Zhen warned, sounding like a strict aunt.

"Yes, Tita Zhen," the two laughed, "You sound like an old witch!"

"This old witch won't make your popcorn," she smirked, releasing her fingers from the bowl one finger at a time making Kylie shut up.

"No! No! Not the bowl!" Kylie exclaimed, scrambling her way to Zhen. When she finally reached her sister after all the slipping and tumbling, she grabbed the bowl and hugged it to her chest. "Not this bowl, no."

"Mama's calling me on facetime! Come here, dali!" Queenie exclaimed before answering her mother's call.

The two hurriedly jumped on the pile of pillows and bean bags beside their sister and prepared to greet their mother.

"Hi, Ma!" they chorused.

"Hello, Darlings! Aww, my heart," Liezl's heart melted at the rare sight of her girls complete. "My girls are complete and together."

"Mama, Ate Ky and Ate Queenie were rough housing a while ago," Zhen tattled.

"Sshhh! Girls, smile! I'm gonna take a screen shot," the loving mother instructed.

"Cheese!" the three chorused and flashed their biggest smiles, like how they did when they were little.

"Do I look pretty, Ma? Let me see the picture," Kylie asked.

"You all take after me. Of course, you're beautiful," she kidded and added a laugh. "How are my princesses?"

"I'm doing well. Been really busy with taping but otherwise, still alright," Kylie replied.

"Aww, did you rest well last night, Bulldog? Or did your sisters pester you a lot?"

"Ma, we're the best pests in the whole world. Kylie loves it when we stay over," Queenie joked.

"Also, Ate Kylie slept well last night," Zhen smiled.

"It was the lavender essentials, Zhen. Thank you," Kylie responded.

"See, Ate Queenie? I told you the lavender essentials were worth the money," she smirked, feeling like an absolute winner.

"Girls, your brother has a concert thing going on with his band later on. I have to go and prepare now. Bye, I love you all," Liezl smiled and blew her girls kisses.

"Bye, Mama. Love you too," they chorused.

"But she loves me the most!" Zhen proclaimed as the call ended.

"Yeah, whatever. Popcorn please," Kylie smiled.

"Kylie Nicole, it's eight o'clock already! Stop the tape and turn it into GMA! Hurry!" Queenie scrambled around the living room searching for the remote when the television started to produce sounds of native chants.

"Encantadia!" Zhen hurried and ran to the living room, nearly pouring out the entire bowl of popcorn.

For a few moments, the three stayed silent as the program started to show. Kylie's heartbeat nearly drowned the sound effects of the show. She was overly conscious when it came to her acting skills. Her hands nearly trembling as a fighting scene with her and Ruru holding hands showed.

"Damn, Kylie Nicole getting all mushy with this guy in a shiny armour!" Queenie teased through a mouthful of popcorn.

It was when they were together that the prim and proper ladies were thrown out the window and the tomboy little girls would sneak out and play. Her sisters were the only ones that could bring out that side of Queenie.

"Shut it," Kylie snapped as her face turned furiously red. She could feel the heat. With all her leading men in the past, Ruru Madrid was the only one who made her awkward like this.

The show temporarily stopped as a series of advertisements flashed, hence, the beginning of Kylie's agony.

Zhen cleared her throat, "You seemed very into that scene, Ate Kylie."

"Well, yeah. That's what acting is, right? Making it seem like you feel this way when you actually don't. Right?" she rapidly stated, not once stumbling upon her words.

"Yes, that's right. But, tell me, Bulldog, why are you reacting so violently to such a simple question?" Queenie queried, a knowing smile dancing on her lips.

"Yeah, Ate. Why?" Zhen pushed further.

"If you two don't stop, I'll show you what violent is," Kylie replied, trying to hold in her laugh.

"Ooooh, I'm so scared," Queenie rolled her eyes, sarcasm oozing from her voice.

"STOOOOP!" Kylie begged.

"Stop what?" Zhen smirked.

"Being such pests!"

"We will if you stop reacting like a schoolgirl with a crush," Queenie chuckled. "And, I heard you two will be having a kissing scene. Yieeee!"

"Are you excited? I bet you are!" Zhen teased.

"SHUT IT!" Kylie screamed as Encantadia showed on the television once more.

And for the rest of the night, the teasing went on.
@_kateenojas credits to you for this request. Hope I satisfied your "UD ka na" hahahaha!

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