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   Growing up, we have all been taught our morals maybe just in different ways. Some people get it with a hint of palo and some are taught with gentle words and discussions.

   For every parent, it was important that their kids be taught proper mannerism and morals. Kylie and Ruru were no different.

   "Amir, why did you do that?" Kylie asked in a gentle tone looking straight to his eyes.

   "B-because, he said kase na he will hurt daw Noelle, Mama. I just wanted to protect my sister. Sabi kase ni Baba na I'm the kuya so I have to protect her," Amir explains fiddling with his fingers.

   "Anak, you can defend your sister without hurting anyone naman eh. You can just talk to someone to correct them," Ruru explained.

   "But he pushed me first."

   "What do Mama and Baba always tell you?" Kylie asked.

   "Two wrongs don't make a right," he replied looking at his feet.

   "Exactly. He pushed you, you pushed him back. Did that do any good?"

   "No," he answered shortly.

   "What did it do?"

   "It created a mess."

   "You understand na, Kuya?" Kylie asked cupping his face.

   "Opo. I'm sorry po, Mama and Baba," he apologized.

   "You're forgiven, Kulit. Next time, you think about what you will do muna before doing it, Okay?"

   "Yes, Baba."

   "Now, go say sorry to the kid," Ruru instructed.

   "Pero it's not my fault naman, Baba. He should say sorry first," Amir defended.

   "Pride won't help anything, Anak. Be humble kase you also did something wrong."

   "Okay, fine," he sighed and started to walk towards the boy.

   Kylie called him back before he could go far, "Amir, never ever say sorry unless you mean it. You have to be sincere."

   "Labag ba sa kaluoban mong mag-sorry, Anak?" Ruru asked.

   "Hindi po. I realized na I should say sorry kase I did something wrong po."

   "Very good. Sige na, mag-sorry ka na," Kylie said smiling slightly.

   "Opo," he smiled and headed towards the boy who looked slightly older than him.

   Ruru smiled looking at his son apologizing to the boy who still looked mad at him. He was so proud that Amir was brave enough to face such a big bully. Although he wouldn't admit it, he thinks Amir did a pretty good job defending his sister, except the pushing of course.

   "Babe, laki ng ngiti natin ah?" Kylie teased.

   "Wala. Sobrang proud lang ako kay Amir. Ang mature na niya," he replied and pulled her closer to him.

   "Oops, huwag masyadong sweet. Noelle's watching us," Kylie warned knowing her little girl would be jealous if Ruru was too sweet to her. She turned her head to the two year old in her stroller.

   "Let her be. Maganda nga yun para mag-lambing mamaya," he joked and kissed hair as she placed her head on his chest.

   Oh God, I can see Noelle's ears letting out smoke.

   Before Ruru could do anything to further annoy the little girl, Amir came running back to them. Kylie, like the amazing mother that she was, opened her arms to hug him.

   "Did you say sorry na?" Kylie asked.

   Amir nodded.

   "What did he say?"

   "He didn't say sorry to me," he pouted.

   "That's okay, Kulit. The important thing is that you said sorry and you forgive him," Ruru explains.

   "Even if he didn't say sorry, I should forgive him?"

   "Yes, Anak. Because forgiveness will-"

   "Set you free," Amir interjected.

   "That's right. You have to learn to forgive someone even before they apologize. It doesn't feel very nice when you keep grudges against someone," Kylie said pinching his cheek.

   "You understand, 'Nak?" Ruru asked.


   "Very good, Kuya. Smile na, ang gwapo mo pa naman pag nakasmile," Kylie encouraged and tickled his side.

   The young boy smiled, showing the deep dimples that he and his sister inherited from Ruru. Ruru messed his son's hair up and turned him around to wipe his sweaty back.

   "Change na your shirt, Kuya," Kylie instructed handing him another shirt.

   "Babe?" Ruru calls.


   "Thanks for the great kids," he smiled.

   "Couldn't have done it without you, Love," she winked.

I'm sorry! I know it's a short chapter but I haven't been feeling the mood to write recently so yeah...

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