Big Brother Best Friend

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   With a guitar on his lap, Ruru sang sweet songs to the two girls that were most important to him. Tickling those strings with his fingertips and tugging Kylie's heartstrings with his voice. Her smile was blinding as she listened to her husband's voice. She caressed her baby bump.

   "You're beautiful to me, so beautiful to me. It may be so simple, but I'll say it anyway. You're beautiful, you're beautiful to me," Ruru sang and smiled at his pregnant wife and kissed her baby bump.

   "Say, 'Thank you for the song, Baba,' Baby" she coos her belly.

   Kylie lay her head on Ruru's shoulder and they just sat like that for a while, until their Little Rascal came running with no shirt on. He was carrying a siopao in his hands. Amir jumped on the couch beside his mother.

   "Kulit, where's your shirt?" Kylie asked laughing at her half-naked son.

   "In my room po," he answered with a mouthful of siopao.

   "Don't talk when your mouth is full, Kuya," Ruru smiled.

   Amir nodded and swallowed his food. He cuddled up to Kylie. His clingy hands hugging her arm.

   "Mahal ko, why are you not wearing your shirt?" she asked.

   "Kase I want to be like Baba," he shortly replied.

   "What do you mean like me, 'Nak?" Ruru asked smirking.

   "No shirt."

   "It's okay if I wear no shirt kase I have abs. Ikaw? Where's your abs?" he teased.

   Amir poked his chubby belly, "Here oh."

   They laughed, "I have guns. Look oh, biceps!" Ruru said putting his guitar down and flexed.

   "I have din!" the young boy tried flexing his fatty arms.

   "Those are fats kaya," Ruru continued teasing.

   "Muscles kaya!" the boy exclaimed.

   "Hey, no fighting. The baby's listening to you guys," Kylie warned.

   "I'm sorry, Baby Sister. It's Baba's fault," he said kissing his mother's belly.

   "My fault? It isn't my fault you're chubby," Ruru snickered.

   "Mama," Amir looked at her with a look that screamed 'help'.

   "Ru, don't tease your son like that," she said half-heartedly because, seriously, Amir was too cute trying to make good comebacks.

   "Yeah, Baba," he smirked.

   "Yeah, Baba," Ruru mimicked.

   "Maaaa!" Amir whined.

   "Ru, stop it na," she laughed. Then, she winced.

   "Love, bakit?" Ruru worriedly asked. He suddenly got serious.

   "Wala, just a little heartburn," she smiled.

   "Is the baby doing that?" Amir asked.

   "Partly, Anak, yes. It's because she's getting bigger and she's pressing on Mama's organs," Kylie smiled.

   "When the baby comes out, will she be big?" he asked again.

   "No, she'll be a little baby, Amir," Ruru answered, "So, you'll have to love her and protect her kase she'll be small for some time."

   "I will. I'm gonna protect my baby sister!" he said proudly.

   "You will?" Kylie asked.

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