School Family Day

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Early morning frenzy filled the atmosphere as the two older children of the Madrid family excitedly jumped on their parents' bed.

"Wake up! Wake up!" Amir exclaimed.

Ruru grunted and burrowed himself in the space between his pillow and Kylie's.

"Baba, Mama, wake up! Time for family day at school! Wake up!" Noelle squealed jumping even higher and nearly falling off.

Amir caught his sister by the sleeve of her night dress and helped her stand upright again, "Rise and shine!!"

"Okay, okay, Mama's up. Stop shouting," Kylie smiled as she forced her eyes to open and sat up. "Kisses."

The two gave their mother sweet good morning kisses on the cheek while their feet slightly kicked their father to wake him up.

"Mama, look at him. He doesn't wanna wake up," Noelle tattled.

"Love, wake up. Stop being so lazy, come on. The kids need to get ready. Get up and help me," she said in a calm, quiet voice but with authorization in her voice. That was a special skill that she had.

"I'm up," Ruru smiled and grabbed his kids by their waists to smother kisses on their cheeks causing them to giggle.

"What do you guys want for breakfast?" Kylie asked, putting her head up in a messy bun. Her silk nighties riding up her petite structure as she tiptoed to stretch.

"Miss Scott said we should have something heavy for breakfast," Amir stated.

"So, should we have Baba's dumbbells for breakfast?" Ruru joked, fixing the bed.

"No, Silly! Something that will make us full!" the little girl laughed.

"Did you make your beds, young ones?" Kylie questioned lovingly.

"Yup!" they chorused.

"Good. Now, you two come with me, let's make breakfast. Baba, wake Silas up for me please."

"Yes, ma'am!" the three exclaimed followed by a chuckle from Kylie.

Ruru headed to their youngest kid's bedroom and halted at the cute sign on his door. He knocked before entering and found his son still sound asleep in his toddler bed.

He crouched down and ran his fingers through the boy's hair, "Silas, buddy, time to wake up."

"Mm," the two-year-old grunted, slightly brushing his cheek against his pillow.

"Baby, come on. Kuya and Ate are waiting for you downstairs," he lowered the toddler's blanket.

At the slight mention of his older siblings, Silas opened his eyes and eagerly asked in a groggy voice, "I go to Kuya and Ate's school?"

"Yeah, we're all going. So, come on, let's get up and gargle first, 'kay?" Ruru picked the boy up and placed him on the floor. "Help Baba make your bed please."

"Opo," he nodded.

"All done!" the boy proudly exclaimed as he placed his teddy bear on top of his pillows.

"Good job, Buddy! Now, we'll go gargle and eat breakfast, yes?" Ruru carried the boy again.


Meanwhile, Kylie had to open all six of her eyes to monitor her children in the kitchen. She did all the work with fire while Amir cut up the fruits (with a special kiddy knife, of course) and Noelle did the measuring.

"Mama, done with the mangoes and the bananas. What should I do now?" Amir asked politely.

"Go put the rightful bowls on the rightful places, Kulit, please. On the island counter not the table, okay?" she instructed.

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