Sibling Squad

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"Kuya!" Noelle whined from the foot of her brother's bed.

"What?" he grunted, grudgingly throwing off his covers to see his little sister. "What do you want?"

"You've been in bed the whole day!" she said dramatically and crossed her arms.

"So what?"

"You won't get up? Fine! I'll go play with Silas instead," she said and stuck out her tongue to her brother.

"I don't care!"

"And we're going to the subdivision pool without you!" Noelle screamed as she stomped out of her brother's room.

Amir sprung out of his bed upon hearing his sister's words, "Wait, wait! Noelle, wait for me!"

He ran as fast as he could towards the direction of the noises he heard and ended up in the living room. He saw his little brother hoisting himself up with the baby-proofed coffee table and started to take wobbly steps.

"Look at that! You're such a big boy!" Ruru cooed the baby and had his hands on Sials's side protectively.

"I thought we were going to the subdivision pool?"

"I thought you said you didn't care," Noelle stuck out her tongue to him.

Amir stuck his out in return.

"Oi, oi! That's enough. That's not a very good example to show your little brother, guys," Ruru warns and wrapped his arm around his wife's shoulder.

Kylie looked at him and kissed him on the jawline as she mouthed "I love you."

"Hey, my Baba!" Noelle pouted and sat on her father's side. "Mine."

"Yes, Kikay. He's your baba, but he was my Ruru even before your kuya was born," Kylie chuckled and pinched the girl's nose.

Ruru was about to speak when a huge barrage of plastic hit his knees, "Aray!"

He looked down to find his youngest son laughing and clapping at his deed, seemingly proud of himself. Silas's dimples showed and it enhanced his chubby cheeks even more.

"Oh, look at my happy baby!" Kylie gushed and picked him up from the walker. "Where's my Amir?"

"Over here, Ma," he raised his hand and smirked.
"Hey, careful! You guys might fall in the deep end," Kylie warned her two kids as they ran around the subdivision pool.

"Ma, you're acting like you didn't send us to swimming class ever since we were babies," Amir laughed and pushed his sister in the water.

"Baba, Mama, did you see what Kuya just did?!" Noelle screamed.

"Amir," Kylie glared at him.

"Sorry! Sorry, Kikay!" he screamed and jumped in the water with Noelle.

"You don't sound sorry!" she rolled her eyes.

"That's because I'm not," Amir laughed and splashed water straight to her face. "Take that, Amihaaaaan."

Mockery was thick in his voice as Amir continued teasing his sister as she tried to swim away from her brother.

"Kuya, stop! Stop!" she squealed. Instead of swimming away, she swam towards her brother and got on his back with her arms around his neck. "You're a weakling!"

Amir leaned back and dipped his sister in the water again and again, "Weakling, who?"

Noelle tightened her grip around her brother's neck and kicked her legs to hit his back making Amir sharply move away, his movement slowed by the water, "Victory!"

Amir splashed water in her face and bonked a pool noodle on her head, "I will never get defeated by a weakling!"


"All is fair in love and war, Noelle," he smirked.

"Haya!" Noelle screamed as she wrapped her arm around her brother's neck again, tighter than the previous one. "Scream mercy!"


"Tap out, I know you want to!"


Kylie was suddenly alert when she saw her two children basically trying to kill each other in the pool, "Hoy! Stop trying to kill each other! Noelle! Amir!"

"Tap out, Kuya! Scream mercy!"

"Mercy!" Amir finally screamed.

"Why do you guys like trying to kill each other so much?" Kylie joked as the two wrapped their towels around themselves.

"Kuya's face is annoying eh," Noelle kidded.

"I'm gonna push you in the pool, I swear," Amir laughed. "Ba, the guitar? Did you bring it po?"

"Yeah, in the case on Mama's chair," Ruru responded carrying little Silas.

"Kuya, Count On Me! Play it!" Noelle exclaims while she tickled her little brother. "You're gonna sing with Ate and Kuya, okay?"

The baby gurgled, waving his hands up in the air. Somehow, feeling like he belonged.

"You start?" Amir asked.


He started strumming, "Ah one, two- one, two, three."

And in a snap, Noelle's melodious voice chirped out from her golden vocal cords, her face relaxed and her attention on her baby brother. "Sing, 'Las."

The baby giggled and jumped on his father's lap. Clapping his hands, he babbled incoherently.

"Kuya's turn!" Noelle exclaimed.

In an instant, a high-toned, tween voice was heard around the pool along with the strums of an acoustic guitar. Amir looked at his siblings as he sang, seemingly telling them both that he'd always be there with his eyes.

"Count on me 'cause I can count on you," the children chorused as Silas giggled.

"You know, I have a name for you guys," Ruru smirked.

"Huh?" their heads tilted.

"Sibling Squad."

"Ba, you're so baduy!" Amir laughed.
Here you go, @keirralou . Thank you so, so much for all the love and support. I hope this is okay. Sorry, I really am not that good at making bonding scenes, it makes me feel mushy haha.

Comment, vote and leave a suggestion! Love lots!

P.S. if I make a KyRu fan fiction story, would you guys read it?

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