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Connor stepped inside the same coffee shop, the aroma of the morning's fresh brews drifting around him. He ordered a black coffee and found a small table near the back of the establishment to seat himself at for a while.

It was almost ten in the morning and he was probably still half asleep as he slid into the cushioned chair.

There was a very hipster-ish boy sitting near the front window, typing away on his laptop, a pair of girls talking quietly in the corner, and a person who appeared to be nearer to the middle of the gender spectrum and was also in the middle of the café. They had their head down on top of an open textbook, their shoulders rising and falling peacefully. One of the girls was wearing a Northwestern University sweatshirt.

All of the characters were probably college students, considering how close the coffee shop was to the university. Connor had come close to visiting Evan yesterday, but copped out after thinking it through more thoroughly.

He couldn't deny that he wanted to spend more time around the boy. Something about Evan drew him in and he had no clue what it was, but he paid little mind to it when all he wanted was to be confident and initiate more ways they could see each other.

However, despite his longing for attention, he was deeply insecure about taking any action. He couldn't just barge in and interrupt Evan's life. No matter how many different scenarios and conversations ran through his head about talking to him and charming him with his wit, Connor couldn't do anything but give it the time he wished he had patience for.

As he sipped the bitter coffee and stared straight ahead, he remembered the reason he had come here in the first place.

Setting down the cup, he pulled out his phone instead and stared at the open messaging app for a while, trying to decide what to say.

He didn't like having to text Evan first because it felt like he was coming off as clingy and too attached already, but Evan didn't know when to text him so he had to.

Wait... Did Evan even want to text him? What if he was just doing everything out of pity? What if James was paying him to pretend to help Connor?

He started to type out an apology for being inconvenient, then deleted it to explain how he had changed his mind, then deleted that.

Connor: i don't know how to start conversations

Connor: um... hey i guess

Evan: Hi haha

Evan: How are you?

Connor: same as usual

Evan: I hope that means you're at least doing alright

Connor: i mean sure, let's go with that

Evan: Well I'm glad you texted me

Evan: I enjoy talking to you

Connor: aw that's sweet

Connor: shit that sounded sarcastic but i'm actually blushing

Connor: i mean

Connor: yeah

Evan: I just like your presence! :)

Evan: You're interesting

Connor: thanks but i have to disagree

Evan: Why?

Connor: i'm just some dude who lives a very plain and uneventful life

Evan: Even if you were just some dude, which I don't think you are, you're still worth everything, Connor. Your life is priceless.

Connor: fuck

Connor: that got deep

Connor: um

Connor: thank you Evan

Connor: that means a lot to me

Evan: I'll remind you of that anytime you need it. You matter.

Connor: my ice cold heart is melting. jesus christ

Evan: Sorry, I just...

Evan: Yeah.

Connor: no no don't apologise, i didn't mean it in a bad way

Connor: honestly you're the first person to show me kindness for more than a day since i left my parents' house

Evan: Sorry if this is overstepping my bounds, but... Do you miss them?

Connor: hell no

Connor: they fucking sucked

Evan: Oh, okay.

Connor: they're closed-minded sons of bitches. i never wanna see them again.

Evan: You don't have to, I was just wondering

Connor: sorry, they just frustrate me.

Evan: So do you still want to come over for movie night tomorrow?

Connor: if you still want me to

Evan: Of course I do. I asked Jared and he's fine with it.

Connor: okay

Connor: james hasn't told me if he has anyone booked for tomorrow so i assume i'll still be available

Evan: Oh good :)

Connor: yeah man

Connor: i better go now, i'm probably loitering

Evan: Aw

Evan: Okay

Connor: do you want me to text you again tomorrow?

Evan: Yes!

Evan: I mean, if you get a chance.

Evan: I have class from 9-10 and then a study group from 3-3:30 but text me any time around those.

Connor: will do

Connor: bye kid

Evan: Bye, Connor c:

sometimes i like to pretend i have a high tolerance to spicy foods and then eat takis or hot cheetos until my eyes water and my nose starts running

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