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Evan's eyes fluttered open slowly, the light streaming in through the window causing him to squint for a minute while his vision adjusted. He yawned widely before noticing the weight restricting his torso.

Looking down, he saw a mess of hair sprawled across his chest, connected to a person, of course. His first thought was to panic because there was a stranger on top of him, but then he remembered groggily that he had fallen asleep in the same bed as Connor last night.

Letting his arm wrap around Connor's shoulders, he closed his eyes to try to sleep again.

After a minute, he realised that Connor was on top of him and his eyes shot open again, his heart starting to audibly pound in his chest.

Evan didn't know what to do. He had only ever been this close to someone once before, when Jared went through a bad breakup and needed comforting.

Taking a moment to assess the situation, he noticed that one of Connor's legs was bent, resting between his own, the other extended off of the bed. His arms were folded under his head in an uncomfortable looking position that would probably make him stiff when he woke up.

Despite his racing heart and the voice in the back of his head telling him to wake Connor up to avoid future embarrassment or anything else that could come of this, he moved his right hand to comb Connor's hair away from his face. He let his fingers slide through the boy's curly locks, which were tangled and messy, but somehow still soft.

Evan sighed and began to relax at the repetitive motion of playing with Connor's hair.

Until Connor moved.

His hand touched Evan's free hand, resting on top of it lightly.

Evan held his breath, waiting a bit in hopes that he hadn't woken him up. When Connor didn't move again, he slowly started combing through his hair more carefully this time.

Then Connor's fingers slipped between Evan's and his heart stopped. Or at least, he assumed it had. His vision went black for a second, like when you stand up too fast and the blood rushes out of your head all at once.

"Good morning," Connor chuckled.

"Wh-what-I don't-what are you-"

"I'm sleeping," he muttered, not bothering to open his eyes. "Shhhh."

Evan's face burned red as he tried to stay still under Connor's weight, their fingers still interlocked. He felt his hand starting to sweat, but Connor didn't seem to care. Or maybe he actually was still asleep.

His options were limited. He could either wake Connor up and interrupt the intimate, half-asleep cuddle session he seemed to be having with Evan's stomach or let him continue to hold his hand and slow down the blood flow to his legs until they were numb.

However, thanks to his anxiety, he was kind of forced to go with the second choice. He counted the seconds that passed, closing his eyes in attempt to somewhat relax.

"Why did you stop touching my hair?" Connor spoke again, turning his head to look up at Evan this time. He had convinced himself that Connor wasn't consciously holding his hand until that moment.

"What?" was all he could manage to squeak.

"I-I mean you don't have to," he mumbled. "It just felt good."

Evan moved his other hand back to stroke through Connor's hair again. He continued blushing while Connor sighed with pleasure, turning his head back to its previous position.

After a moment, Evan finally felt himself begin to relax. The repetitive motion of combing Connor's still slightly damp hair calmed him down a bit, despite him still being literally on top of him.

Connor felt himself drifting off again and squeezed Evan's hand lightly to let him know.

Then, suddenly the door opened and Jared entered the room, holding a box of donuts and a plastic grocery bag.

"I know I said you two could fuck if you did it quietly, but that was a joke, guys," he commented, setting down his items on his desk.

"W-we didn't-"

"Jealous much?" Connor sat up finally, leaving Evan cold from the missing body heat.

"You're hot but I wouldn't do that to Evan," Jared dismissed, grabbing a donut.

"Stop," Evan interjected quietly, sitting up as well. "This conversation is making me uncomfortable."

"Sorry," he quickly changed the subject, "I got breakfast if y'all want some."

"Never say 'y'all' again," Evan warned, getting up out of bed to choose one of Jared's assorted donuts.

Connor stood as well and walked over to pick up his bag after checking the time on the digital clock on Evan's dresser.

"I'm gonna go change. I have to meet Zoe soon."

Evan nodded and watched as he disappeared into the bathroom.

"So, did you enjoy your steamy cuddle session?" Jared asked once Connor was out of sight.

"Shut up, it wasn't steamy," Evan defended.

"I almost woke you guys up before I left. It looked like Connor was gonna suffocate you, but it was too adorable to interrupt," he continued, finishing the last bite of his donut.

"I would never suffocate Evan," Connor called through the door.

"Not even unconsciously?" Jared shouted back, laughing a bit before lowering his voice. "But seriously, Ev. Go for it. He's a catch."

"What?! No," Evan shook his head, "it's really not like that."

"Are you sure? I wasn't lying when I said he's hot."

"He can hear you clearly right now and yes, I'm sure."

"Ohh," Jared whispered, winking at him a few times. "I get it now."

"Stop winking at me!"

Connor chuckled to himself at their conversation. He pulled on his shirt from yesterday, then slung his bag over his shoulder and folded up the clothes he had borrowed from Evan.

When he emerged from the bathroom, Jared was making weird faces at Evan, who sat hunched on his bed, glaring back at Jared. He sat up straighter as he noticed Connor.

"I gotta go now," he announced, holding out the clothes for Evan to take back.

"Try not to miss us, Dollface McSrumptious Cuddly Buns, love you," Jared teased, waving daintily at Connor.

Without a second thought, Connor slid his arm around Jared's waist and pressed a kiss to his cheek, having to bend down a bit to do so, due to their height difference. He let go just as quickly, turning to wave goodbye to Evan before leaving.

dudes listen to vesperteen if you haven't, they're great

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