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"Jared," Evan shouted, assuming the boy had fallen asleep since that seemed to happen often.

He watched in confusion and slight horror as Jared slowly pulled down the comforter to reveal his smirking face.

"Hey loverboy," he greeted teasingly. "I saw you two basically makin' out over there."

"We were not making out!" Evan protested, his eyes growing wide.

"Did you jerk off while you watched us?" Connor asked casually, tying his second shoe before standing up.

"No, but I cried because I wish I had someone to do that with in a platonic manner."

"Find yourself a person, Jare," Evan suggested with a frown. "So you can stop projecting your secret desires onto Connor and me."

"We're going to the park, wanna come?" Connor asked, walking over to stand next to Evan.

"Nah, I've got better things to do than sit around being a third wheel."

"You're not a third wheel," Evan disagreed. "Also, why is it called that? There are vehicles with three wheels. And four wheels. And like, eighteen wheels."

"Because the third one is useless."

"Well bye, then," Connor called, pulling Evan out of the room by his wrist.

The two boys talked amongst themselves as they walked to the city park, the chilly air swirling around them.

"Dammit, why do I keep forgetting to wear enough clothes?" Evan shivered as they reached the park and a slightly stronger breeze blew past them.

Connor slipped off his jacket and held it out towards Evan, exposing his bare arms underneath.

"No," Evan refused. "You need that."

"No I don't," Connor insisted, holding it up again. "I feel fine."

"Please just put it back on. You're going to get sick and then I can't cuddle you."

"Well when you put it that way..." Connor pulled the jacket back on and settled for wrapping his arm around Evan's shoulders in attempt to warm him.

They made it to the park and found a nice bench to sit down and curl up together. Evan pulled out his phone to work on a side story while Connor began drawing.

Both tried to hide their work from the other. Evan's pet peeve was people reading over his shoulder while he wrote things and Connor was still drawing Evan.

He had filled multiple pages with doodles of Evan's face in different styles and from different angles. No matter what he tried, though, he couldn't seem to capture the boy's charm quite right. The way Connor saw him couldn't compare to his growing compilation of drawings.

As he studied Evan's face, he noticed him shiver again and set his phone on his lap to blow into his hands in attempt to warm them.

Connor stood up with determination and shoved his sketchbook back into his bag, grabbing Evan's hand to ease him to his feet as well.

"What are you doing?" Evan questioned as he turned off his phone and tucked it into his pocket.

"Taking you someplace warm," Connor told him, slipping his fingers between Evan's. The smaller boy blushed and nodded, letting Connor pull him away, down the paved path that ran through the park.

"Do you have a specific place in mind?" Evan asked as they left the park and headed towards downtown, where they would find a bunch of quaint shops of all trades.

"No, just somewhere we can sit and get you warmed up." Shrugging, Connor placed his free hand into his jacket pocket. "Since you won't accept my kindness and chivalry."

"You mean your attempt to freeze to death?" Evan rolled his eyes, trying to ignore the tingly feeling that came back every time he remembered he was holding hands with Connor.

"How do you feel about pizza?" Connor pointed across the street at a small Italian restaurant using the hand that wasn't in Evan's.

"I like pizza," Evan answered.

"Then it's settled."

The boys warmed up inside and ordered lunch, then picked up some hot coffee at a nearby café-looking kiosk to keep them warm outside. They talked the whole time, making jokes and learning more about each other.

Eventually, they had to go their separate ways, but not before sharing a long, warm embrace on the street corner.

"Text me tomorrow," Evan mumbled next to Connor's ear as they hugged.

"Of course," Connor promised with a smile.

last night my older brother dislocated his shoulder and i had a panic attack because i can't stand seeing other people's injuries, especially if it has to do with bones and he had to go to the hospital to get it reset so i watched bridge to terabithia and sobbed more than i needed to because hormones and i'm pmsing which is great for my dysphoria i'm so glad my life is a mess :)))))) happy sunday

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