234 16 21

Conical: how many days?

Ev: Wow, that's not ominous at all

Conical: haha sorry

Ev: 18!

Conical: :)

Ev: Oh! I've been meaning to ask

Ev: Have you talked to Eliot since after The Scare™?

Conical: yeah, every time they're working when i come in we make small talk

Conical: they always ask me how i'm doing, it's cute :)

Ev: Aw, yay! I like them. They're nice

Conical: if it weren't for them, i'd probably be dead or in pain so i kinda have to like them too

Ev: Speaking of...

Ev: Has James done anything?

Conical: uh...

Conical: he put another note on my door yesterday but i haven't read it.

Ev: Shit

Conical: it's okay evan. 18 days.

Ev: Yeah but he knows where you live and he could just hurt you any time and I wouldn't know until the next day at the least.

Conical: i can deal with it. i'll be fine.

Conical: can we talk about something else? i don't like this...

Ev: Yeah!

Ev: Wanna play the question game?

Conical: i guess lol

Ev: You go first.

Conical: hmm

Conical: have you ever smoked?

Ev: No

Conical: that's fair

Ev: Have you ever been in a relationship?

Conical: haha

Conical: that's a good question right there.

Ev: You gonna answer it?

Conical: i had a girlfriend sophomore year in high school.

Conical: she realised she liked girls and left me for her best friend

Ev: Awww poor baby Connor

Conical: it was pretty hilarious actually, seeing her pretend to be straight. i tried to get to third base with her once but she was not into it at all.

Ev: Wow

Conical: sorry, was that too much information?

Ev: No, I was curious.

Conical: okay. well have you ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend?

Ev: Uhhhhh

Ev: You're right about that being a good question.

Conical: and the answer is...?

Ev: Actually lately I've been wondering if I'm demisexual

Ev: I've had crushes on people, but I can't tell if it's romantic or if it's like a friend thing and I'm just stupid but I can tell when I think someone is attractive

Ev: But no, I haven't been in a relationship before. Despite my desperate need for attention

Conical: aw

Conical: you know i'm here

Ev: What????????????

Conical: i can give you attention whenever you want

Ev: Yeah but not like romantic attention

Ev: I want like someone who I know really well and who is willing to wait until I figure out my feelings and do cute things with me and not have sex until I'm ready

Conical: d'aawww that's adorable

Ev: sorry :$

Conical: don't apologise!

Conical: is there a specific person currently?

Ev: No

Conical: just in general?

Ev: Yeah.

Conical: okay it's your turn

Ev: Oh.

Ev: Um... Thoughts about music?

Conical: i don't listen often anymore, but I like it. i used to play the piano and the guitar

Ev: Ooo! My mom has a piano!

Conical: oh shit no i haven't played in years

Ev: I'm gonna make you do it anyway :)

Conical: fuuuuuuuuuck i mean i can try but idk how that will go

Ev: Yay!

Conical: how many kids do you want in the future?

Ev: I don't know, maybe one or two eventually. But like way in the future if I ever find a person to be with. What about you?

Conical: I don't really want my own kids

Conical: Do you want to get married someday?

Ev: I definitely read that wrong at first hahaha 😅

Conical: oh haha oops i worded that one weirdly, sorry

Conical: i mean in general, not to me specifically

Ev: I think I do want to get married? I mean if I ever find someone to love, I'll probably love them enough for the rest of our lives.

Conical: interesting.

Ev: What was your first kiss like?

Conical: ummmm

Conical: extremely awkward and kind of infuriating

Ev: How so?

Conical: well it was with my best friend at the time

Conical: we were in 8th grade and he asked me if he could kiss me out of nowhere because he was curious and i said yes so we did it and then he became an asshole and tried to repress his gayness and he stopped talking to me and told all of his other friends that i was the one who kissed him

Ev: Oh wow, I hate people like that

Ev: I'm sorry that happened to you

Conical: it's okay, that was a long time ago

Ev: Oh crap, I have to leave for class

Conical: oh okay

Ev: I'll talk to you tomorrow :)

Conical: bye ev :)

ooooo backstory
also i started a new book of deh headcanons and oneshots please read it if you want to, there's not much there yet but i'm working on some things to put in it

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