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Constitution: 13 days

Evanescence: Yep!

Evanescence: How are things?

Constitution: ummm

Constitution: james is harassing me

Evanescence: What the hell what is he doing

Constitution: he keeps leaving notes every time i leave my house and they're just ominous and vague, like "you think you can just leave me?" and shit

Evanescence: Wow. Can I do anything to help?

Constitution: no, it's okay for now.

Evanescence: Okay...

Constitution: how are things for you?

Evanescence: Kind of hectic, I have midterms in like a week in all of my classes.

Constitution: do you need help studying or anything?

Evanescence: Is this real?

Evanescence: Connor Murphy the high school dropout is offering to help me with school-related things

Constitution: anything for a pal ;)

Evanescence: Anything????

Constitution: woah, slow down there Hansen haha

Evanescence: Hold my hand and call me cute

Constitution: lmao okay

Evanescence: I have a question

Constitution: ask away

Evanescence: What's your sexual/romantic orientation/identity or whatever? I'm just curious

Constitution: :)

Evanescence: What's that supposed to mean?

Constitution: well you see

Constitution: i have no idea

Evanescence: Well tell me about it

Constitution: i'd rather not

Evanescence: okay...

Constitution: it's not a big deal anyway, i don't really have my eye on anyone right now

Evanescence: That's fair

Constitution: yeah :)

Evanescence: :)

Evanescence: I have to go now

Constitution: you okay?

Evanescence: Yeah, it's just homework and stuff

Constitution: do you want me to help you study?

Evanescence: No, Jared is going to later

Evanescence: But maybe some other time

Constitution: okay...

Evanescence: Bye :)

Constitution: bye

Setting down his phone, Evan sighed and closed his eyes. He rolled over on his bed, trying to turn his brain off.

His head was full of conflicting thoughts. On one hand, he was happy to have a friend like Connor who cared about him and offered to help him study and stuff. But on the other, he was slowly realising that he wanted more than that from Connor.

He felt selfish and confused as he thought about how happy he would be if Connor also wanted more.

Every time they hugged or cuddled, Evan knew he was safe in Connor's arms, but he wanted to know that Connor felt the same way. That he wanted to be there all the time, laying in Evan's bed, sharing such an intimate moment.

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