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"So truth or dare?" Evan scooted back, forming a circle.

"You didn't specify a person," Jared commented, knowing full well that Evan was only clarifying what they were doing.


"Dare," he answered.

"Um... Run down the hall naked," Evan dared.

"Woah," Connor laughed, raising his eyebrows. "Starting off strong there, Hansen."

"All the way naked?" Jared frowned.

"Nah, you can keep your underwear on. I kinda like having a roommate sometimes, you don't need to get kicked out."

Taking no time to process it, Jared stood and stripped, slipping out of the room to carry out the dare. The rest of the children gathered in the doorway to watch him.

Jared ran down the hall and back, luckily avoiding any people. He entered his own dorm again out of breath and tugged on his shirt and pants.

"Okay," he panted as the others sat down again. "Zo, truth or dare?"

"Truth," she responded, reaching up to pull her hair back into a ponytail.

"Are you a virgin?"

"Geez, that's pretty invasive, Jare," Evan scolded.

"No, I'm not," Zoe answered with a smirk as she turned to Alana. "Truth or dare, babe?"

"Truth," Alana chose.

"I truth you to kiss me."

"That's not how this works," she deadpanned, rolling her eyes at Zoe.

"Fine." Zoe thought for a second. "If you had to date one of these boys instead of me, who would it be?"

"Umm... Probably Evan? He's the most gentle. I think that's one of the things I like most about girls. They're usually more gentle than boys," Alana explained. "And soft."

"Aw, I'd date you too if we were both less gay," Evan told her with a cheesy smile.

"Truth or dare, Ev?"

"Dare," he challenged.

"Okay, everyone has to be quiet and you have to kiss the first person who talks or makes an audible noise," Alana told him.

"On the lips?"

"On the face somewhere."

"Okay, deal. Go."

Evan looked around the circle as Jared tried to tickle Zoe, who sat steadfast, not moving or making any noise. Connor started making weird faces at Alana and she covered her mouth to keep from laughing.

They all managed to stay quiet for at least a minute, all trying to make each other break, before Connor helped Jared find Zoe's one ticklish spot: under her knees.

"Stop," she squealed, curling herself into a ball. "Fine. I lose! Kiss me, Evan."

The boys backed away from her and she sat up, closing her eyes as Evan crawled over to kiss her forehead. Alana "aww"ed at the display.

"Connor Murphy," Evan announced, sitting back on his feet. "Truth or dare?"

"I'll go with dare, I guess."

"Oh, good." Evan smirked evilly. "Go to our neighbours' door and use the cheesiest pick-up line you can think of."

"Okay," Connor agreed, standing up.

The friends gathered in the doorway again and watched as Connor walked next door, then knocked and waited for someone to answer.

A surprisingly attractive and shirtless boy answered, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

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