Sadness is Something I Can't Control

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Caitlin heard her my alarm clock ringing and grudgingly got up from her comfortable bed to turn it off. She yawns and stretches her arms above her head and rubs her tired eyes. Sometimes even she wondered why she got up so early. Caitlin quickly goes to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for the day.

After she was done showering, she went into her closet to pick out something to wear. She decide on a simple red shirt with black pants and black pumps. She had been wearing red a lot lately since it's Barry's favorite color. A part of her always hopes he notices. It may seem a little pathetic, but what can she do? She is completely smitten by that man.

~At Star Labs~

As Caitlin is walking down the hall, she hears a faint giggling coming from the cortex. Curiously, she walks in to see what was happening, but instantly regrets it. Standing in the middle of the cortex is none other than Barry Allen and Iris West. They were sharing sweet kisses and gazing into each other's eyes all lovey-dovey. Vomiting felt like the most appropriate thing to do right now.

"Ahem" she clears her throat to get their attention and stands there awkwardly.

"Hi Caitlin!" Iris chirped happily, "how are you doing?"

"Fine, thank you" She replied with her best fake smile.

She thinks Barry noticed it because he looked at her weirdly. He was always so good at knowing her different facial expressions. Better than she knows them herself.

"Anyway, I have to go but I'll see you later Baby" Iris said to Barry and pecked his lips one last time.

"Bye" Barry called out to her.

She glanced at him quickly before heading towards her computer. The awkward tension is already rising between them, and they can both feel it at this point. Caitlin was the first to break the silence.

"'re early. Never thought I'd see the day where Barry Allen himself gets to work before the sun is even up." She teased.
That was one of the things Barry had always loved about her. She always seemed to lighten up a room.

He chuckled "Well, Iris had to go in early today for an important meeting with her boss so we decided to stop by Star Labs first."
She nodded and then went back to her work.

"Hey Caitlin, sorry if that was awkward for you. With the whole Iris thing." He said sheepishly.
She tensed but looked up at him.

"No, it wasn't awkward for me at all. Barry, why would you even think that." She said desperately wanting someone to interrupt them for once.

" know...cause we-" he started but then was cut off.

"Barry that was a long time ago. I could care less on who you kiss or date." She replied a little coldly.

He couldn't ignore how his heart felt after hearing those words. Sure that was the answer he wanted to hear, but the way she said it. She's never acted so coldly towards him before...not unless he did something wrong.

The same was for her. She didn't mean for those words to come out that way, but she can't ignore how she feels when she sees them together. She was pretty sure that was the closest they have ever came to talking about their past relationship. Other than that, it was like that time didn't exist. She loved him, but it would seem as if that love that was once there is nothing to him anymore. It was just a faded memory.
"Cait, did I do somethin-"
"Don't call me-" she was about to snap at him, but took a deep breath, "don't call me that." She said softly.

He still flinched. She always let him use that nickname. Something was definitely wrong. What did he do?

"Caitlin, please!" He begged "just tell me what's bothering you."

She looked up into his soft eyes. Those eyes she was completely mesmerized by. She felt a few tears escaping from her own.

"Nothing. I'm fine, Barry. Just- just leave me alone." She turned around, grabbed her stuff, and ran out of the building as fast as she could. More and more tears flowed down her face as she made her way to her car.
  She sat in it crying for a moment before driving off to her apartment. The sun wasn't even all the way up and she was already crying over Barry Allen.
"Pathetic" she whispered to herself.

Once she got back to her apartment, she plopped onto the couch thinking about what had just happen.
"What are you doing to me Barry Allen."

Just then she heard a soft knock on her door followed by a muffled noise.
"Cait? Cait open up."

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