Saturday's are the Best

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Caitlin awoke the next morning engrossed by warmth. A lazy smile drew itself on her face as she knew fully well that it was not the covers providing the warmth on her body. She looked up to see none other than Barry Allen sleeping peacefully beside her. She couldn't believe what happened last night. She kept thinking it was all a dream and she would wake up any moment. But as each moment passed, she knew it was very much real.

Caitlin started drawing lazy circles on his chest. She couldn't help it. His abs were her kryptonite. She felt him stir under her and she reached up to place a soft kiss on his lips. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled at the sight of her.

"Good morning" she whispered softly, her hands going back to his chest.

He groaned. "Good morning, Cait." He smiled.

They stayed there in silence just gazing upon one another. Barry was the first to break the silence.

"Last night was...amazing" he breathed out.

"It was absolutely perfect" she replied nuzzling into neck.

"You know...I really like our transitions these past few days." Barry said teasingly.

Caitlin on the other hand was confused. "What do you mean?"

"Well...we've gone from being friends to you almost dying to being mad at each other to you forgiving me to saying I love you know." Barry explained saying the last part seductively and pulling her closer.

Caitlin giggled. "Very interesting transitions indeed Mr. Allen. Nice observations"

"You forget I'm a scientist Ms. Snow" he smirked at her and pressed his lips to hers.

"Mmm Barry as much as I would like to continue we should really eat some breakfast." She moaned.

Barry chuckled against her lips. "Okay my love" 

The way he called her my love sent shivers down her spine and butterflies in her stomach. She truly missed the moments with Barry. And to be honest she never thought she would have them again.

He gave her one more peck on the lips before hopping out of the bed, Caitlin following right behind him. Barry put on his jeans from the night before and Caitlin put on a pair of underwear. Barry was about to put on his shirt until Caitlin grabbed it out of his hands and put it on herself.

"What? Have you seriously forgotten that I just love wearing your shirts." She said innocently whilst raising an eyebrow.

Barry smirked at her and wrapped one arm around her waist pulling her closer like before. "No...especially since I know how cute you looked in them." He whispered lightly biting her ear.

She giggled and blushed.  "Come on!" She exclaimed pushing him out of the room.

Their morning was perfect. They ate breakfast, shared kisses, and was just in their own love bubble. Barry realized how much he had missed being with Caitlin. Her laugh. Her smile. He missed it all. He couldn't believe that just 24 hours ago he was crying over Iris. He did love her, but that love had faded if he was being honest with himself. He was with Cait now. His Cait. And he couldn't imagine his life without her. Not again at least.

For Caitlin the feeling was mutual. Caitlin's smile just couldn't disappear. Everything was perfect. In this moment, they were like two teenagers in love again. And Caitlin was absolutely loving every minute of it.

"Barry, can I ask you something?" Cait asked nervously.

They were both sitting on opposite sides of the counter drinking cups of coffee with their free hands intertwined.

"What is it Cait?" He replied worriedly.

"This-this wasn't just some one time thing right? You-you don't still have feelings for Iris do you? I mean you did just break up with her only 24 hours ago." Caitlin said sheepishly.

She had been thinking about this and forgot to ask him because they were having so much fun. She hated to ruin the moment, but she had to know before she got in too deep. Or...well...deeper.

"Cait listen to me. I am still upset about what happened with her, but I am sure about my feelings for you. You are the best thing that could ever happen to me Cait. I knew that in high school and I know that now. In fact, I'm pretty sure I've always known. You are amazing Cait and you have nothing to worry about. I meant what I said. I love you and only you." He assured her.

Caitlin smile and looked down. The doubts she had previously had were now gone. Hearing him say that was like music to her ears.

"Well..." she said moving towards him, "I love you and only you too" she finished with placing a soft kiss on his lips.

Both of them just wanted to stay in this moment all day.

Thank God it was a Saturday.

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