Are You Going to Miss Me When I'm Gone?

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It was the middle of the night in Central City and there wasn't a soul to be found as they all have gone to sleep. However, in Iris and Barry's apartment, a certain green eyed speedster was lying in his bed wide awake lost in his thoughts.

"Honey? Can you not sleep because you have been staring at the ceiling for the past hour." Iris questioned sleepily.

Barry turned towards her. "Just thinking I guess. I'm sorry if I woke you."

"Don't worry you didn't, but since we are both up there is something I've been meaning to tell you." Iris replied a little bit seriously.

Barry began to get nervous. Had she seen what he was about to do this afternoon in the medical bay?

"Do you remember that big meeting I had today with my boss? She continued.

He relaxed. So that's what she wanted to tell him. Instead of saying anything he simply nodded.

"Well, I was coming to tell you about it this afternoon, but then you and Caitlin fell and it just slipped my mind. Anyway, my boss wants me to come with him on a reporting job. I'll get to really learn the ropes of reporting and it could be a great opportunity!" She said happily.

"Iris that's amazing! I'm so proud of you!" He said equally as happy.

"The only downside's for 3 weeks so I'd be gone the rest of the month." She frowned.

"Honey, that's fine. I don't want to stop you from this opportunity. You should go. I'll certainly miss you but I'll be fine on my own." Barry assured her.

"Thanks Barr." Iris said warmly, "by the way I leave in 2 days."

The truth is Barry was actually quite scared of her leaving. With all these new things with Caitlin popping up, he doesn't even know what will happen if she leaves for all that time. It will probably just show how much he really misses Iris though. There's really nothing to worry about. But once again he keeps on doubting himself.

"Hey Barry," Iris voice chirped breaking him out of his thoughts once again, "what was Caitlin doing on your bed anyway?" She asked  curiously.

"Er, she was just trying to reach something on the shelf but didn't want me to move cause of the injuries." He replied quickly.

Iris just looked at him for a moment but eventually just shrugged it off and went back to sleep.

Barry's heart was beating fast. He knew he told the truth, but for some reason, it also felt like a lie...

The morning Iris had to leave Barry once again came into Star Labs early since Iris had to leave early as well. As he walked into the cortex, he saw none other than Dr. Caitlin Snow. The way she gets up so early never ceases to amaze him.

"Good morning Caitlin" Barry said taking a sip of his coffee he snagged from Jitters on the way there.

Caitlin looked up from the pile of papers she was holding and gave him a warm smile "Well good morning to you too Mr. Allen. Is being early a new tradition for you now?" She teased like before.

"Ha ha very funny. No, I had to drop Iris off at the train station. She has this reporting job with her boss so she will be gone for the next few weeks."

"Ah yes you did mention that." She said nodding her head as she recalled the memory.

A beep on the computer screen got their attention as they both went to check it out.

"Barry there's a new meta on 56th street. Maybe we should wait to see what we're dealing w-"

Before she could finish her sentence Barry flashed into his suit and was on his way to confront the meta. She sighed.

"Barry don't do anything reckless!" She exclaimed into the comms.

"Me? Reckless? Come on, Cait. When have I ever been reckless." He replied back.

She could practically hear the smirk drawing itself onto his face. "Oh I could think of a few."

He chuckled before coming to a stop and was face to face with the meta.

"Flash" his voice hissed, "what a nice surprise." He smiled crookedly.

"What do you want!" Barry boomed.

"What do I want? What do I want!" He started laughing maniacally, "I want to take away everything and everyone you love." He hissed one more time.

Before Barry could do anything, the man ran to him and punched him making him fly into the wall. He then sped off into Star Labs direction.

Barry groaned as he got up. "Cait! Caitlin! Can you hear me? You need to get out of Star Labs!"  He shouted into the comms. But there was no answer.
Barry ran as fast as he could.

Meanwhile back at Star Labs, Cisco had arrived a little while after Barry left. Caitlin and him were sitting at the computer waiting for a reply.

"Why did his comms go out?" Caitlin asked worriedly.

"I don't know. Something probably interfered with them when he flew into the wall." Cisco replied just as worried.

A bright light came into the cortex and for a split second they both relaxed thinking it was Barry, but they were completely mistaken.

The mysterious man rammed Cisco through the glass knocking him unconscious.

"Cisco!" Caitlin screamed in horror. She tried to run over to him but the man grabbed her by the neck and slammed her into the wall.
Caitlin was gasping for air.

"Ah...I take it that you're the famous Dr. Snow," he said mischievously, "prettier in person." He gripped her neck tighter.

"LET HER GO!" A voice boomed throughout the cortex. It was Barry.

"Now why would I do that?." He said slyly. Barry saw something glistening from his hand. He squinted further and realized it was a knife. His eyes widened.

"Wait, please! Don't do this!" He begged.

Caitlin looked at him with tears in her eyes. She noticed the object in his hand as well.

"I told you Flash. I will take away everything and everyone you ever love." He replied coldly.

He jabbed the knife right in the middle of Caitlin's stomach and sped off. But not before saying.

"Oh. And you can call me Vortex."

Ya I know...not the best name lol. I'll probably change it.

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