What Did I Do

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I recommend listening to the song while reading even though it is a short chapter.

Days have passed since that night. Caitlin missed the first two days, but finally mustered up enough courage to come back to work. She succeeded in avoiding Barry at all times which she was thankful for. Cisco noticed the tension and tried to figure out what was wrong, but each time they both shot him down. Not really feeling like discussing that night. It was absolute torture for Caitlin. She resumed patching Barry up whenever he got hurt in a fight against a new meta, but other than that no words were spoken between the two.
She was still very mad and upset with him. Sometimes, she couldn't even bring herself to look him in the eye.

Barry was a train wreck. He kept trying to apologize to Caitlin, but she would always walk away from him and go into another room. He kept his distance at first, but he yearned to have her back. He missed talking with her and laughing with her. But he messed it all up. He didn't even remember why he was so mad in the first place. Besides Cisco, it felt like he was all alone. He often found himself repeating the words he had uttered that night again and again.

"What did I do"

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