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"Am I the only one who thinks that no progress had been made on finding Vortex or who he is?" Barry asked.

"Agreed" Caitlin said raising her hand.

"It's really pitiful how it's taking this long to track him down" Cisco replied.

The three were sitting in Star Labs not knowing what to do. They have had trouble finding villains before, but they always figured out a way. Yet, this was different. It was like they all had lost their touch.

"We should state the facts that we know. Let's all going in a circle stating different things until we come across a question we can't answer and then we can focus on that to see if it leads some where." Caitlin suggested.

Barry and Cisco nodded in unison, "Okay...fact one: Vortex wants to take everything away from Barry." She continued.

"Fact two: He won't kill you guys because he needs you." Barry said after her.

"Why does he need us to help you become something? And what is that something he needs you to be?" Cisco questioned.

"Alright let's focus on that" Caitlin replied, "He could need Barry to become faster like Dr. Wells."

"You guys are my motivation. I can't do what I do without you so maybe Vortex knows that and is using that to his advantage." Barry said.

"Now we're getting somewhere! We back Baby!" Cisco exclaimed.

Barry and Caitlin chuckled at his behavior, "Calm down Cisco, it's just a theory." Caitlin replied.

"Yeah the first one we've had in like weeks." He scoffed playfully.

An alarm on the computer sounded and the three's eyes instantly shot up. "It's Vortex! I know he is the bad guy, but his timing is impeccable." Cisco said.

"Barry, wait, he's going to kill you if we don't think rationally this time." Caitlin warned.

"Cait, it's okay. Cisco made a liquid that will dampen his speed!" Barry reassured her.

Caitlin folded her arms and squinted at the two of them, "Did you test it?"

The two men looked at each other with wide eyes, "Well..." they both said with high-pitched voices.

"You guys are ridiculous! How do you just forget to test it!"

"Blame Barry! He was complaining about wanting to go home!" Cisco pointed at Barry.

"For real! It-it was purely because I wanted to come home to you." Barry smiled.

Caitlin just glared at him, "Go."

"Right" Barry mumbled and sped off.

"It really was because of him..." Cisco trailed off when Caitlin glared at him, "Not the right time? Ok."

"Men.." She muttered.

Barry sped down to Vortex's location, the serum safely hidden in his suit. He was more determined than ever to catch him and see who was hiding behind the mask.

He decided to catch him by surprise and sneak up on him. Once he did so, he tapped him on the shoulder and punched him in the face as he turned around.He threw all kinds of punches all around his body until they were full on battling it out.

Vortex ran all around the city but Barry knew the city like the back of his hand and took all kinds of shortcuts to cut him off. He sped to where he thought Vortex would go but then he had an idea. He came right beside Vortex and made eye contact with him before speeding to Star Labs. Curiously, Vortex chased after him. Little did he know, this Scarlett Speedster had a plan...

"What is he doing? He's leading Vortex right to us!" Caitlin exclaimed nervously. She trusted Barry but this seemed very odd.

"Uh...Barry? You're kinda getting close to Star Labs buddy." Cisco spoke through the comms.

"Just trust me!" Barry yelled back.

Cisco and Caitlin looked at each other worriedly. They heard a sound behind them and sure enough it was Vortex.

"Where is he!" He snarled.

"We don't know!" Caitlin shouted back.

He growled and as he was about to make a move, he fell to the ground in agonizing pain and lay unconscious. Behind him was Barry holding the now empty bottle of serum.

"I guess it works." He breathed out.

Caitlin threw her hands around him whilst Cisco got the cell ready for Vortex.

"That was a pretty good plan" Caitlin murmured into his chest.

"I'm just glad your safe." Barry replied clutching her tighter.

"Same for you."

"Now that you've gotten your Beauty Sleep, why don't you take off that pretty little mask and tell me who you are exactly." Barry said to Vortex.

All three of them were staring at him inside his cell while he just stood there calmly, "That's what you'd like to know don't you Flash? Or should I just call you Barry Allen?."

They all tensed up. "What? I know everyone in your life and you thought that I didn't know who you are?" He started to laugh maniacally.

"Then what do you need us for? What do you need Barry to become?" Cisco asked.

"Infuriating isn't it? You have me right where you want me yet you still don't know who I am..."

Barry was getting impatient, "Just tell us who you are!" Caitlin placed a soft hand on his shoulder calming him whilst he took a deep breath.

He smiled mischievously and slowly took of his mask. "You know who I am Barry." Once it was all the way off, the three looked at him in complete shock.

"I guess you know why I want to take everything away from you now." And with that he broke out of the pipeline and sped off.

"No way" Cisco whispered.

"It can't be" Caitlin muttered after him.

Barry stood there frozen not saying a thing, "Dr. Wells is Vortex."

I apologize for my poor writing...I also don't know where I'm going with this...but hey! We will see where it goes.

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