I Love You

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The song goes with the end of the story.

It was Friday afternoon and Caitlin was pacing back and forth while Cisco just watched her. Barry didn't come in today. She called CCPD and he didn't come into work either.
She just couldn't help feeling that something was wrong.

"Caitlin stop worrying he probably slept in or is sick" Cisco said.

"Well, he's not answering his phone and if he was sick then her would've called in sick at CCPD or at least us." Caitlin replied pacing back and forth.

"Caitlin just calm down" Cisco said

"I can't Cisco! What if he got kidnapped! Or-or is the hospital for some unknown reason!" She shot back.

She took a deep breath and sighed. "I'm sorry Cisco. I just can't shake the feeling that something is wrong."

"Caitlin, I know your worried about him but let's just give him some more time before we start jumping to conclusions. I'm sure he's fine." He assures her.

"Ok...but if he's not here I'm going to look for him!"

A few hours later, Cisco and Caitlin had so much work that they didn't even notice the time go by. It was already 7:00 at night and Barry never came in. The city was quiet which was a good thing since the Flash really couldn't be found right now.

"Cisco I'm going to his apartment to find him." Caitlin stated packing up her things.

"You want me to come with you?" Cisco asked.

Caitlin shook her head, "No and besides, you have that dinner with Dante and you shouldn't miss it. I'll be fine."

"Alright bye"

"Bye" Caitlin said walking out.

~At Barry's apartment~

Caitlin knocked on the door like five times before walking in. He knew he was in there, but she didn't know why he wasn't answering.

"Barry?" She said walking in, "Barry it's me Caitlin."

She felt something hit against her foot and she looked down to find a beer bottle. She looked up and found a trail of them leading to the living room.


As she walked in further, she found Barry sat on the floor with his back against the couch drinking another bottle of beer whilst other bottles surrounded him.

She gasped, "Barry what happened to you!" She said getting on her knees and scooting next to him.

He looked terrible. His eyes were bloodshot like he had been crying and his hair was all over the place.

"Barry, what's wrong" Caitlin tried again while caressing his cheek.

"Iris-" he spoke quietly.

"Did something happen to her?" Caitlin questioned worriedly.

Barry looked at her for the first time since she got there, "she cheated on me."

Caitlin gasped again. This time in complete shock. She just couldn't believe that Iris of all people would do that to Barry of all people.

"Come on let's get you cleaned up" Caitlin suggested.

An hour later, Barry took a shower while Caitlin cleaned up his apartment by throwing all the beer bottles away. Barry finally walked out of the bathroom and sat on his couch whilst Caitlin brought him some tea.

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