Chapter 25

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Dianne's POV

          When I woke up, it was 9:45. I stayed on the bed for a while until I decided to go up and I wash my face then comb my hair. While I find for a tie in my drawers, I noticed something at the calendar.

          OMG! How can I forget it?! It's gonna be a week until our graduation! OMG! I wasn't expecting it to be that fast. Woah.

          Excitement fills my whole body so I sat on a chair to relax. My stomach grumbles suddenly. I stood up and went to the kitchen. Before I even stepped on the stairs, I heard my parents and Asa talking in the living. Their voices were kinda low so I can't understand what they're saying. My stomach grumbles again. Guess I gotta cut their talk.

          When they saw me go down, they stopped talking and avoided eye contact. I didn't really cared so I grabbed my breakfast. After making my sandwich and getting a glass of milk, I went back to the living room. And, they're talking again. 

          Dad stopped what he was saying and looked somewhere else

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          Dad stopped what he was saying and looked somewhere else. Mom and Asa followed. Ok, this is getting really weird. I furrowed my eyebrows and opened my mouth a bit.

"I, uhmm, I'm eating my breakfast upstairs, is it ok? My friends and I are having a chat." I said. 

"Oh, yeah sure, honey." "OK." "Go ahead." They all said in unison which makes the moment more weird. Before I go up, I saw a small box on the table with a yellow ribbon. Hmm...

          I closed my room's door and placed my breakfast on the bed (milk on the table so it won't fall). I turned my phone on and saw some notifications from my friends. Ana came back home 2 days ago, May was on the beach, Lana and Reign got a sleepover. Just then, May messaged on our group chat.

May: Hi guys! How's your vacation?

Ana: It was so fun! We built a snowman.

Lana: Built a sandcastle at the beach.

Reign: We ate smores!

Dianne: 👩👨

Lana: What's with that emojis?

May: OMG! Are you guys? Omg.

Dianne: 😱💏

Ana: Dianne! OMG! I'm shookt.

Reign: ^^^

Dianne: Don't freak out. It was just a kiss.

Lana: A kiss you were wanting your whole life.

Dianne: Psshh, whatever.

Ana: We've got a lot to talk about when we meet.

May: True.

          We talked for 20 minutes all about how we spend our vacation, graduation and after grad. It was kinda awkward on the "after grad" conversation part. I guess it's because of us leaving and maybe lost of communication.

          After our conversation, I return my plate and glass downstairs. Surprisingly, my parents and Asa were not talking anymore. They are now acting normal and like they didn't have any talk. Mom and dad are watching TV, Asa is on his phone. I shrug for no reason and made my way to the kitchen.

           I return back to my room and trip on the doorway. "Argg." I said as I almost fell. I sat on my bed and bounce on it. I'm gonna miss bouncing and jumping on it just like when I was a kid. *sigh* I looked around my room and stopped on my towel. Shoot. I forgot I still didn't bathe yet. I quickly grab my towel and ran to the bathroom.

~ ~ ~


           We ate beans (Asa ate a lot though), steamed vegetables and chicken soup for lunch. Nothing much really happens while we eat but I sensed something was up. Just like 2 and a half months ago.

           Lunch finished and we sat in the living room. "Oh, Dianne!" Mom breaks the silence which made us jump from our seats.

"I just remembered that you'll have your graduation next week." She said. "Yeah." I mumbled.

"Well, we need to go shopping for you. We need to buy you a dress, honey." "Uhh, sure. Let's do it tomorrow." I said and she nodded.

           We had more talking until Dad needs to go to work. Mom went to their room and said she'll check her facebook account. So, me and Asa are left again. We watched television and I laid my head on his lap.

"Dianne," Asa calls. "Hmm?"

"Can we talk later at the park?" He asks. "About what?" I looked up to him.

"I uh. I wanna t-tell you something." He nervously shifts on his seat. "Sure."

~ ~ ~

"Mom! Me and Asa are going to the park!" I yell.

"Ok. Stay safe you two!" She responds back. "OK!" Asa holds my hand and we're off to the park. 

           Hand in hand, we walked along the windy streets. Asa keeps his left hand on his pocket like he was keeping something there. He rubs his thumb on the back on my hand and holds it tight like I am going away. We arrived at the park. There, the leaves and some flower petals are scattered maybe because of the wind.

           Asa led the way until we reached the usual barriers. We stood there, looking at each other and holding both hands. I stare into his ocean blue eyes and I can't understand what he was feeling right now.

"Asa, what is it that you said you are gonna tell me?" I ask.

He closes his eyes and takes a breath. He lets go of my right hand and put his left hand on the pocket. He pulls out the same box I saw earlier.


~ ~ ~

And there's another cliffhanger!

Gonna wait again till the next chapter ha? Don't worry, I'll make it worthy of waiting.

This chapter is shorter than the previous ones but... (I'll write it here someday)

So, what do you think is inside that little box with a yellow ribbon?



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