Chapter 2

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Dianne's POV

        I woke up the next day, still have the feeling of sleepiness so I closed my eyes for a bit, and stretched my arms. 

        "Hmmm... That feels good." I hopped out of bed, made it and went to the bathroom. After washing my face, I went downstairs to find out what's for breakfast.

        After eating my pancakes, I went outside to stretch my arms and legs and twist my hips as I feel the cool air and sunshine around me.

       I went inside to watch some television. There was nothing fun to watch so I went to my room and checked my phone. After being bored and just sitting on my bed, I decided to have a bath instead.

~•~•~ After bath ~•~•~

        I put on my blue shirt and grey shorts. I brushed my dark brown straight hair and let it be.

        "Dianne, will you please set the dining table?!" my dad shouted across the kitchen. "OK." I answered back. I put 3 plates, 3 glasses and 3 pairs of spoons and forks.

        "Coming through!" dad yelled as he was putting the food on the table. 

        "That smells so good!" I said as I inhaled the heavenly smell of food. "Go call your mom. I'll just put some food on your plates." Dad requested to me.

        I walked to the backyard where I found mom gardening. "Mom, lunch is ready. Come on." I said to her. "OK."

        After lunch, I helped mom clean the table and went upstairs to my room and grab my phone. I checked if I got any messages from my friends and notifications from my accounts, but there are only 2 notifications, and it came from a game. I placed my phone beside me and took a nap.

        "Dianne, wake up, kiddo! Get yourself ready, the guest might arrive sooner!" I sat up on my bed, surprised. 

        Then I checked what time it is. Oh shoot! Its 3:50. He'll arrive in more or less 40 minutes. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I perfumed myself, grab my phone and then went downstairs.

        "Dianne, you will check if they're here, ok?" mom asked.

        "Fine." I murmured. I went to the living room and played games on my phone. *sigh*

•~• A few moments later •~•

         BEEP! BEEP! Oh shoot, they're here!!! What should I do? What should I do? Oh my gosh, I'm so confused right now. I should go tell my parents. I ran to the dining where I last saw them.

         "Mom, Dad. They're here." I told them while catching some breath. "Well, lets go meet them." Dad stood up, followed by mom.

        They opened the front gate and talked to some "agents" while I checked myself one last time at the mirror. I need to look presentable somehow.

        When I went out, my parents introduced me to the agents. "This is our only child/daughter Dianne Beatrice." 

"Hello there." one woman said. "How old are you darling?" she asked. 

"I'm 18." I respond. 

"Well, the boy must be happy to know that there is someone here around his age." She said.

        Really? He's around my age?! Wow. I've never thought of that.  We might even become good friends.

        "We will now call the actor, so please wait here." One of the agents headed to the black van and went to the right side so that means I won't see him go down the car and just wait to see his face when he walks around the car. I think they want it to be a surprise.

        I turned my face towards the van, the agent showed up and then followed by the guy. Then there he was walking towards us. The tall lean figure, freckles, baby face, and of course, those majestic blue eyes that every girl will fall for.

        I really just can't believe what I'm seeing right now. Is this just a dream or a dream come true? If this is just a dream, please don't ever wake me up. I can't believe it, he's here.

The one and only Asa Butterfield is here.

The one and only Asa Butterfield is here

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Hope you're enjoying it, readers!      (*゚▽゚)ノ



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