Chapter 33

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Dianne's POV

     As soon as Mom opened the doors, we saw the wonderful decorations of the ceremony. The color scheme was pastel. The lighting was alright, just enough to see the whole place clearly.

     Me and Mom parted ways. She went up the stairs and sat on bleacher, saving one for dad. I went to the seat where my name was seen. Ah! Found it.

     I sat and looked around if any of my friends are here already. A figure waving at me caught my attention. Ana walked up to me and sat to the vacant seat next to me.

     "Hey Dianne, you look great today!" She tells me. "Thanks, you don't look bad yourself." "Thank you. I saw this after you talked to me a few days ago." She played the edge of her beige dress. We continued talking until the girl who was supposed to sat beside me came.

     Ana went back to her seat which was a couple of chairs away from me. I saw Lana and Reign came inside. I caught glance with Lana and we waved at each other. They sat on their seats, they were basically 3 chairs from each other.

     More and more students arrived and the place was almost filled half. May came in 10 minutes before the event started. 

     The masters of ceremonies went to the microphone and announced that we are gonna start. They said a few greetings to the special guests and also they told us students a message about creating our own future.

     There was a short performance from the glee and the dance club. Before we were given diplomas, the summa cum laude and other students with honors had a speech.


     Two more names then it's my name. I took one step up. "Brookins, Dianne Beatrice" I walked confidently to the special guests and shook hands with them. They then handed me my diploma. We posed for pictures.

     I could hear my friends clapping and shouting about how much they are proud of me.

     The next name was called so I walked down the stairs. I walk around, the smile on my face grew wider as I sat on my seat again. I look down at my diploma and touched the sides of it.

I can't believe it. My diploma is now right in front of me, sitting on my lap and me... admiring it. Wow.


"Oh my god! Guys!" 

     Me, Ana, Lana and May turn to where we heard Reign's voice. She was running towards, a big grin on her face. We had a group hug. A hug that felt our love for each other. Like this will be the very last time we'll see each other.

     The hug broke. Our eyes were filled with tears. May was crying already. Soon, one by one all of us started crying. We don't care if we look like over reacting or if our makeup is ruined.

     "Ok, we need to stop now." I let out a small laugh while brushing off a tear with the side of my hand. My friends nodded.

     Our parents took pictures of us 5. We did different kinds of poses; fierce, formal, wacky, etc. . Our last one was from my mom. The smile on our faces were genuine.

     There were a couple of minutes before we got called by our parents to go already. We said our goodbyes for the day.


     "Don't try to remove it honey." I heard Dad said while he drives back home. 

     My parents tied this bandanna around my head to cover my eyes. Pretty sure they have something back home for me since I can hear whispered voices conversations on the phone.

     The car goes to a full stop meaning we are already home. I felt some weight go out of the car then felt some breeze on the right part of my body, the door is open.

     "Come closer Beatrice." I scooted closer to the end, I felt Dad's hand on my arm to guide me. Another hand was in my waist, I assume it's Mom. They were guiding me to somewhere.

     Instead of feeling a stony path to the porch and some strong wind, it was calm and there was grassy path on where I was walking. Where on earth are we? I have no freaking idea.

     "Where are we?" I asked but no one answered. I was starting to get nervous for some reason. "Dad?" Their hands slowly let go of my arms. I don't hear anything at all except for some leaves and the wind passing by. I gulped as another pair of seconds came by.

Suddenly there was a yell, "READY!"

     The bandanna was pulled of my head. Lights blinded me for seconds and party poppers popped beside me. Colored buntings were hanged on the trees.

     I remember where I am right now. When I was a kid, I used to play and spend my time here most of the day. This is also the meadow where me and Asa brought Zea when we babysat her. It still has those colorful flowers.

     I look ahead, my whole family are celebrating my graduation. They were clapping and walked towards me to congratulate.

     Tears verged to fall from my eyes because of the joy I felt when they were congratulating me and they told me that they made this event more special just for me. All of them gave me hugs but Zea gave me tightest one.

     I was told to sit on the chair in the middle. One by one, all of them said a small speech. A tear or two slipped as they were talking.

     After that, we ate. The table on the left side of the venue was full of food; from appetizers, main course, side dish, and desserts. In the middle of the venue was a big cake. Color? Of course it's in yellow.

     Some of my family members even managed to give some gifts and I was thankful. We had some photographs together too. 

"Dianne sweetie, we have something to show you." Mom led me to the back of the venue. She pushed the curtains aside and we enter a different field. There was a projector and a white screen, picnic blankets and pillows were on the floor. Fairy lights were hung on the sides to illuminate some of the place.

     Me, my mom and dad sat on the middle waiting for the others to come inside. As the room gets filled, one of my cousins played the video. A sequence of pictures were showed on the white screen. It was me.

     There was me with my teddy bear, a school event, camping. My picture with my friends on the first day of high school. Until my last days of school.

     There were also pictures with Asa, I didn't even know that Mom or Dad took stolen pictures of us. Especially the one with our silhouettes in the terrace during the night. And also, how did they got my pictures with Asa?

    The 7 minute video ends with a quote, "Dream it, Wish it, Do it." That was my quote for life and I did apply it almost everyday.

     My parents hugged me while I cried on their arms. Dad kissed my head and rubbed my arm. Mom whispered to me...

"We're so proud of you Dianne, happy graduation."


This chapter is more likely about achieving one's dreams and creating memories while striving to make it true. Happiness is found along the way, not on the end of the road.


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