Chapter 8

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1 week later...

Dianne's POV

        "Mom! I'm going to school now." I shout as I opened the garage door to get my bike. 

        "Be careful! Love you!" Mom shouts back. I hopped on my bike and went to school. 

At school

        "Hey girls." I waved at my friends who are having a conversation near my locker. 

        "What are you guys talking about?" I opened my locker and grab my stuff there. "Something about prom." Lana says.

        Gosh. I forgot that prom will be like in 2 weeks; but the finals will be next week. I got to study first than worry about prom. 

        "Hello, Dianne? Dianne. Earth to Dianne." Ana snapped me out of my thoughts. "Huh? Sorry. Let's go to class." We started walking and we came across Trey.

        "Hey Dianne." Trey said with a smile. My friends suddenly gave me a surprised look and shook my arms. 

        "OMG! Since when? " Reign asks. "Since when what?" I continued walking. "Since when did Trey started talking to you?" She squealed. "Uh, 2 days ago." 

        We entered our classroom and sat on a circle. "Why didn't you tell us about Trey?" May asks. 

        "Guys, if you're thinking that there is something between me and Trey, we are just friends." I cleared out. 

        "Just friends? Didn't you have a crush on him?" Ana smirked. "That was 2 years ago." 

        I sat back at my seat when the teacher came in the classroom. Looks like my day will be boring today. My friends will not stop talking about me and Trey.

5th period

        The teacher stopped talking when there is a knock on the door. He opens it and calls my name. 

What is it again? I thought. I walked to the door and saw the principal. 

Did I did something wrong?! My parents will kill me if I did one.

        "Oh, good morning principal Philippe." I greeted him. "Good morning to you too, Dianne." He says with a smile. 

        "I want you to follow me." He started walking towards his office, while I try to figure out what I did wrong. I'm gonna be so dead.

He opens the door and I saw... Asa? What is Asa doing here? 

        "Hey Dianne." He said. "Asa! What are you doing here?" I asked him with a smile. 

        "Your mother called earlier here today, ms. Brookins. She said that Asa might want to have a tour around here. And because you are the closest friend Asa has, you will be touring him around the campus. " Principal Philippe told me and sat on his chair. 

        "What about my classes sir?" I asked. "I'll tell your teachers you're excused." He starts writing on some school papers. I nodded.

        I hold Asa's hand and exited the office. "So, where do you want us to start?" I asked him. "It's up to you." He answers. 

"Let's start here at the office." We started walking around the office.

        "This is a picture taken on the 30th anniversary of the school." I pointed on the big picture pinned to the wall. 

        "Here are the faculty and staff." I pointed on the other side of the wall. We then walked to the some classrooms. 

        We entered the art classroom. "You got a lot of drawings here, wait not just drawings, you also paint?" he asked as he saw my artworks on the board. 

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