Chapter 31

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Dianne's POV

He left...

We enjoyed our moments together when he was here; it was worth every minute but we didn't realize it was time to go. Time to say goodbye and time to take a break. 

Me and my parents went back to the car after he passed the metal detector. I took a sit inside the car and shut the door. Dad turned the engine on and drove away from the spot. I looked out the window during the whole ride home. Sometimes, I can see my parents change glances in the corner of my eye. I also saw Dad look at me through the front mirror. 

After a few minutes, rain started pouring from the dark fluffy clouds. It started to become dark even if it's just around 4 in the afternoon. The raindrops racing each other on the window were quite entertaining but it didn't boost my mood. It just made the moment more quiet.

By the time we came home, rain was almost pounding on the car roof. I rushed to the porch of the house as Mom tries to unlock the door. She opened it and we came inside with our cold bodies.

"Go change, Dianne. You might get a cold." Mom told me. I nodded and remove my shoes off. I went to my room and grabbed warm, dry clothes to wear. I threw my wet clothes on the laundry and wore a sweater and sweatpants.

I plop down on my bed, arms wide open and feet hanging off the edge. The raindrops on my window made an effect on the wall. There was no light inside, only the window lets the light in. It made a cozy feeling but at the same, it was lonely.

This was the first time to be silent again, ever since he left. Usually, our laughs and chats would fill the whole house. It felt so different right now.

I sat up on the bed; my back resting at the pillows behind me. I hugged my knees and took a deep breath. Mom and dad might be cooking dinner now or talking about something, probably me. They don't like seeing me sad or upset. 

Tired of sitting on my position, I laid down on my comfy bed. Instead of the blankets being warm, it was cold. Just perfect for the moment.


"Where are we going?" He took me by the hand and now we're here, walking through a field of grains. 

He answered my question with a smile. "We're almost there, just wait." His grip on my hand tightened. I followed him until we stopped at a large tree with its autumn orange leaves.

We started to climb the tree then sat on a branch. Our hands were intertwined and our legs were swinging. The sun was setting, such a wonderful view.

"Yeah, but you're much more wonderful." I looked at him, surprised. He just read my mind, didn't he?

"I need to tell something." We look at each other, face to face. "I'm leaving." That was a straight forward thing to say. For being too taken back, I lost my balance and completely fell out of the branch.




"Oww." My head pounded as I fell out of bed. I grabbed onto the sheets of the bed to help me get up. Geez, what a dream that is.

I heard footsteps approaching my room and the door opened. Mom was there with a worried expression on her face. She hurried up to me and help me get up.

"Are you ok, sweetie?" Mom asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. It was just a dream. Nothing's wrong." I replied. She nodded and headed back to my door. "Dinner is ready by the way." With that, she walked out, leaving a small opening on the doorway.

Looking on the other side of the room, the curtains softly moved by the wind coming from the window. It was already dark but still raining. It was quarter to seven.

I tied my hair in a ponytail and headed downstairs to eat dinner. Dad's chicken tenders and mushroom soup were already served on the table. My parents were already eating so I joined them.

"Are you excited for tomorrow, Dianne?" Dad asked. 

I furrow my eyebrows at him. "What's with tomorrow?"

"It's your graduation honey." 

Oh my god. How can I forget the grad is tomorrow? My brain is not working that well today, sorry 'bout that. I really need to keep my thoughts organized.

I faced palm myself and sighed. 

"Now that you reminded me of it, yeah, I'm totally excited for my graduation!" I faked a joyful tone.

"That's great honey!" Mom said. "We also can't wait for it to be honest." Dad said as he holds my hand.

"I love you too, guys." I smiled at them and continued eating dinner.

After dinner, we went to bed early since it's gonna be a big day tomorrow. Before I went to sleep, I decided to check on my friends.



May: Same but after that maybe we won't see each other anymore.

Lana: That ain't true May. We can still see each other if we have time.

Ana: And there are also batch reonions right?

Ana: reunions*

May: That's why I used the word MAYBE.

Reign: Anyways, any new bout Dianne?

Lana: ehh, she's been inactive lately.

Ana: Guys do you think she's fine?

I decided to reply on the last message.

Dianne: Perfectly fine here people. And yeah, I'm so pumped up for tomorrow.

May: That's great news D!

Reign: It's already 10 people. Go get your beauty sleep or else you'll look like Lana.

Lana: Pretty? 👱

Reign: Nah, more likely a potato.😂

Lana: 😡😤

It was fun chatting with my friends. Knowing there are other people that will cheer you up if one goes away. Sadly, Reign was right; we need to get our beauty sleep.

Just like any other thing in the world, our chat ended... just like my days with him.


And maybe this book too is gonna end..

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