Chapter 15

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Dianne's POV

        So prom happens tomorrow. I tossed to the other side of bed to find a comfortable position to sleep. Why can't I sleep? Is it because of the excitement, anxiety or something else?

        I turned to another side but I heard a door close. I slowly sat up and listen carefully. The floor creaks. Is Asa awake?

        The clock shows 11:56 pm. It's almost midnight. Another sound follows. Someone is going down the stairs. I quietly set a foot on the floor. Because of the night light coming from the corner of my room, I easily made my way to the door.

        I slightly peeked on the wall and saw a figure sitting on the couch. I walked back to my room to get my flashlight. 

         I turned the flashlight on and pointed it on the figure. "Asa?" "Dianne?" He covered his face with his hands. "What are you doing?" "Why are you still up?" We asked in unison.

        We giggled at each other. I sat beside him and put the flashlight in front of us. "So why are you still up?" He whispers. "Can't sleep." I replied. "Same."

        I rest my head on his shoulder. "I hope nothing bad will happen tomorrow." I said out of the blue.

"Don't worry about that." Asa said. I look at him and asked "What makes you think of that?"

"Because I'll be there to protect you." His words made me smile. "Thank you."

         My eyes became heavier and I yawned. I rubbed my eyes and soon drift to sleep. "Goodnight Dianne. Sweet dreams." Asa whispered and kissed my forehead.


        I woke up and stretched my arms. I looked around and realized I was in my room. Maybe Asa carried me back here. 

        I got off bed and went to the bathroom to wash my face and gurgle. Then I went down to eat breakfast. "Morning mom. Morning dad." I kissed the cheek of my parents.

"It's not morning anymore darling." Dad said. "What?!" I checked the clock.

"Just joking. It's only 10:45." Dad jokes.

       Asa is still sleeping because I didn't see him yet.

"Excited?" Mom asked.

"For what?" I took a bite from my sandwich. "For the prom sweetie."

        I almost choked on my food so I drank some juice. "Oh sorry. I forgot about that." I placed back the juice on the table.

        I went back to my room to get my towel and take a bath. After taking a bath and putting on clothes, I went to the living room and played with my phone. 

        I know I can tre- I opened the message and it was from my friends. I wonder what is happening to them right now.

Lana: What time is the prom again?!

Reign: Around 5.

Reign: Are we guys gonna meet at one house or at school?

May: You can go to my house.

Ana: Ok. I'll bring the makeup.

Ana: Do you guys need a limo cause we can share Knight's limo?

May: I'll join you Ana.

Dianne: Dad's gonna drive me to prom.

        Asa suddenly sits beside me which made me jump. "Who are you texting?" He asks.

"My friends." I answered.

"I'm gonna meet them there right?" He asks. I nodded.

"You do have a suit with you right?" I asked this time. He nods and took a bite from his sandwich.


        "I'm gonna go to my room now. Gonna get ready for prom." I left the living room to my parents and Asa.

"Aren't you gonna get ready?" I asked Asa. "I'll do it in few minutes." He replied. 

        When I entered my room, I charged my phone so that it'll be fully charge when we arrived. I removed my dress from the closet and wore it. I looked at myself at the mirror and twirled around. Next, I braided my hair feather style.

        I opened a drawer and grabbed my makeup kit. "Mom, can you help me with the makeup?" I shouted upstairs. "Coming hun!" Mom replied.

         While she was putting makeup on me she asked some questions. "Dianne,"

"Yes mom?"

"Do you like Asa?" She asks from nowhere.

"Erm... no." I hesitantly answered. "Really?" She asks.

"Y-yeah." "Hmm, if you say so." She finishes applying the makeup and leaves my room.

         I checked the time at my phone. It was 4:47 pm already.

        Someone knocks on the door. "Yeah?" I asked. "Are you ready Dianne?" Dad asks. "I'll just get my purse ready." I answered. "Ok, we'll leave in 15 minutes." "Got it." I heard him walk away. 

         I grabbed my silver purse which suits perfectly for my dress. I put my girl stuff in there. Money, some makeup for retouch, and cologne. Lastly, I put on the flower bracelet that the school requires and a pendant.

"Dianne! Time to go!" Dad shouted from downstairs. "Ok!" I left my room but I forgot my phone. "Oh shoot." I remove it from the plug and went downstairs. 

"Oh Dianne sweetie. Stay there. Let me take a picture of you." Mom says as she grabs the camera.

"1,2,3, smile." She said. Asa walks in from the kitchen and sees me.

        He stares at me for a while and I giggled at him. "Wow, you look so... ravishing." He comes nearer and stands beside me.

"Ok Asa, place a hand on her waist." Mom said. Asa hesitantly puts a hand on my waist. Mom takes a picture.

"Ok Dianne, put your left hand on Asa's chest." I put my hand on his left chest and pose for the picture.

          We went inside the car. Me and Asa sat at the back. "Is everything set?" Dad asks. "Yup." "Yes sir." Dad nods and drives.

          At exactly 5:02 pm, we arrived at the school. Dad drops us in front of the prom venue. Before we went outside the car, Dad informed us that him and mom won't be at home later because they have a convention to attend to.

"Got it Dad." I said.

        Asa goes out. Just as I was about to open my door, Asa rushes to my side and opens the door for me. "Well, what a gentleman." I said. He smiles and I giggled at him.

"Have fun lovebirds! And don't come home late." Dad said. "Keep Dianne safe Asa."

"Yes sir!" Asa salutes at dad. I laughed at him. Dad leaves and we were left in front of the venue which is the school's huge auditorium. 

         "You ready?" I ask Asa. "Yup. How about you?" He replies. "Ready." We hold hands and entered in. I hope this night will be wonderful.


That was just the part 1 of this chapter guys!!! That means there gonna part 2!!! Hope you guys enjoy my story! 

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