The Tower

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{The Past}

The girls and I were laughing and talking about whatever came to mind. These are the types of days that I love. We would just sit around and have fun. We had nothing to do today so we were taking advantage of it in any way possible. Queenie was in the middle of telling her story about what happened last night. You see, Queenie was trying to get me to get a tattoo all of yesterday and I kept telling her no. She took matters into her own hands and in the middle of the night, she started on it. Of course, I woke up and it was already too late to tell her to stop so I just let her continue. It actually looked pretty cool.

Queenie was about finished with her story when Malina called out to me. "I'll be back," I told the others. They nodded and Queenie continued her story. I walked in the back and stood in front of Malina, "Do you need something?"

"I need you to go and get us more supplies," Malina said handing me a bag to put everything in.

I nodded and turned to talk out, "I'll be back before you know it."

"We'll be here," Malina called out to me.


I had just gotten back from getting everything we needed. I looked down in the bag to see if I had forgotten something. When I saw that everything was there, I looked up and saw that I was already at the caravan. Everything was quiet and I had a very bad feeling. "Guys," I called out loudly. When I had gotten no answer, I hurried to the door and flung it open. I was very shocked at what I saw inside.

There was blood on the walls and everyone was lying on the ground. Nobody was moving and it didn't look like they were moving either. I was completely frozen and I felt like I couldn't move. The bag had dropped to the ground when my grip loosened. I brought my hand to cover my mouth and tears were slipping down my face.

I rushed to Patience and shook her, "Patience..," She didn't move and that made me cry more. "Patience, wake up... Wake up, come on. Please," My voice cracked. I went and tried to wake the other up, but none of them moved. "Guys, come on. If this is some sick joke then I don't like it. The jig is up, you can move now," Still nobody moved. "Please. Please, wake up. Don't leave me alone. I don't want to be alone again." They were really dead. I stood up and was shaking from either anger or sadness. Probably both.

How could they be dead? Why would anyone do this to them? There were a lot of questions going through my mind right now, but those were the main ones. I tried to stop crying, but I couldn't. I just let go and started to sob. My sobs ceased when I heard something from outside. I wiped my tears quickly and walked out. I saw a man running away with blood covering his clothes. So he did this...

A Story That Will Never Die {Henry Mills/OUAT} [2]Where stories live. Discover now