Smash the Mirror: Part 1

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A/N: Hey guys! I have two things that I need to say. Happy late New Years for one. Number two is that I have changed the faceclaim for Aria's dad to Stephen Amell. That's pretty much it so I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I'll see you later!


It had been awhile since I had run into the forest. My powers have calmed down, but I just didn't want to take any chances. I was walking through the forest with no destination in mind. I avoided fallen tree limbs as I walked so I wouldn't trip and hurt myself which was something I did quite often. I heard the sound of fast footsteps and I stopped and looked in the direction they were coming from.

I looked to see Henry staring at me, "Aria?"

I took a step away from him, "What are you doing here?"

"I was looking for my mom," Henry replied, "Her powers are out of control right now and she ran away. What are you doi-" Henry started stepping closer to me.

I backed away into a tree and cut him off, "Stay back."

Henry didn't listen to me, "Why?"

Aria: I said stay back," I exclaimed. I didn't want him to get hurt if my powers go off. I don't know what I'd do if I ever hurt him. I feel myself tingling and  looked behind me to see the tree dying and rotting. I turn around to look at it and I start backing away. I looked down to see the grass under my feet is dying as well. All I can feel in this moment is tremendous fear and worry. I turn to Henry to see that he's still looking at me, "Henry, I need you to go. I don't want you to get hurt."

Henry goes to take another step forward, "Ari-"

I cut him off, "Please." Henry had a thoughtful look on his face as he thought. He looked at me again and I gave him a pleading look. After a moment of staring at each other, Henry finally nodded and ran off. I let out a shaky breath and I continued on my way to nowhere.


I was walking on the side of the road aimlessly. I was far away from town so because nobody would come out this far. Or at least that's what I thought. I saw a yellow bug driving down the road and it slowed down then came to a stop beside of me. Emma was in the car and she rolled down her window, "Aria? What are you doing out here?" I explained everything that had happened to her and she thought for a moment. "I'm going to see Mr. Gold and see if he has anything to get rid of my powers so I don't hurt anyone... Want to come with me?"

I had to think this through for a moment. It would be good to finally get rid of this power once and for all. On the other hand though, my magic is a part of me. It is one of the things that makes me me. If I get rid of it then who am I after that? But if I do get rid of them then I won't have to live in fear of hurting someone. This power was truly the very worst of me. Just then I could hear my father's voice in my head from one of my memories, "I will love the very worst of you until the oceans are dust. I think you will be the greatest sorceress in all of the lands." I took in a deep breath, I'm sorry, Daddy.

I looked at Emma with a neutral expression, "Yes." She opened the door for me to get in and once I was inside, we took off.


I sat in the car while Emma talked to Mr. Gold inside of his shop. I was still wondering if I made the right decision or not. All I could hope was that this would help and I wouldn't hurt anyone. This was the only thing running through my mind when I made the decision that I made. Just then a memory hit me...

I was seven years old and I was sitting with my Dad in the garden. He had just gotten away from his adviser who was trying to make him finish his paperwork. I was walking around looking around at all of the beautiful flowers. One of them caught my eye though. I picked it and sat down beside of my Dad. He looked down at what I had, "What do you got there, Kitten?"

I looked up at him with my innocent eyes, "It's dead, Daddy."

Dad shook his head, "That's a shame," I noticed the disappointed look on his face and I just didn't want him to feel like that. So I closed the flower in my hand and closed my eyes. I focused all of the magic on the flower and I could feel my Dad staring at me with interest. Once I opened my eyes and opened my hands, the flower was as vibrant and beautiful as the others. I looked at Dad to see he was smiling, "You have a very amazing and beautiful gift, Trinity. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You hold onto it for as long as you can. It is one of the things that makes you you."

I was pulled out of the memory and I closed my eyes. I didn't want to do it, not really. No matter how much I said that I did, I didn't. I didn't want to do it, but it is what I had to do. To protect the people that I loved. I'm sorry, Daddy, but it's necessary.


Emma was back in the car and we were driving down the road. As we drove, Emma's magic was messing with the stereo and was changing the channels. Emma tried to do something to fix it, but she fails. The car starts sparking on the inside and she was focusing on trying to fix it. I was trying to help her as well and we didn't notice a figure standing in the road. When we did notice and saw the it was the Snow Queen, our eyes widened and Emma swerved the car over to avoid her. After that, all I saw was darkness.

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