"One of the Best Things to Ever Happen to Me."

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It was a day after the ice wall incident happened. To say everything went back to normal would be a lie. I have been more distant ever since I lost my ring. It was the last thing I had that my dad gave me and now it's gone. On top of that, I had another dream the other night. It was the same one as last time, but it made me more scared than last time. I woke up and found that the flowers on my bedside table were dead. They weren't like that before I fell asleep.

I had to throw them away so no one would notice. Of course, Henry did though. He always notices when something is different. What if the power that Hecate had is what's happening to me too? I don't want it to. I don't want to hurt anyone. My eyes had dark circles under them from the less amount of sleep I've had.

I sat on my bed with my head buried in my hands. I just wanted everything to stop... even for a moment. I was brought out of my thoughts when Henry walked int my room. I faked a small smile and said, "Hey. How's it going?" Henry doesn't answer and just grabbed a pillow from my bed. I raised my eyebrows at him in confusion, "What are you doing?"

He used his head to motion to the door, "Come on."

"Why?" I asked him.

"I know that you haven't been sleeping lately," Well, I'm not surprised he found out. He's my best friend, he knows me inside and out. "So you are going to sleep in my room." He stretched his hand out for me to take. I stare at it for a moment before putting my hand in his.

He led me to his room and placed my pillow on the bed. He laid down and patted the place beside of him. I laid down beside of him and we stared up at the ceiling. This was something that we were used to doing. We had sleepovers a lot so we were never really uncomfortable sleeping in the same bed together.

"Thank you." I said.

"Your welcome," He said back. "Aria?" I hummed. "Do you mind telling me why you haven't been sleeping?"

I sighed, "It's just... These dreams that I keep having. Well, they're not really dreams... they're memories," Henry looked at me in interest and gave me a look that told me to keep going. "They're Hecate's memories. The first one I had, I didn't remember that well. The other two were the exact same and they freak me out so bad."

"What happened?" Henry inquired.

"I'm walking through a forest and I stop at a lake. Hecate started to think and I could hear it. She was saying that she, 'Did it again,' and that she, 'Didn't mean to'. Then she went on to talk about how she was cursed and suddenly all the plants started dying around her. Then I wake up." I explained. "But that isn't the worst part of it. Yesterday, when I had the dream, I woke up and the flowers on my bedside table were dead. Wha- What if it's happening to me too?" I turned on my side to face Henry.

Henry did the same, "Whatever is happening, I will help you figure it out. I will help you find a way to stop it or control it."

"Thank you."

"Your welcome." Then we both drift off to sleep.


It was the next day and I felt a little better. I didn't have the dream again, thank god. The only thing bothering me now was the ring. No matter how much I tried to get my mind off of it, it just kept coming right back to it. I have had that ring since I was six-years-old, I had developed a sentimental attachment to it. It was only thing I had from my father... and I lost it.

Henry had left earlier today so I couldn't talk to him about it. I was sitting in the living room of the loft on the couch. I was bored out of my mind which was not a good thing. It only left me to my depressing thoughts. I was, thankfully, brought out of my thoughts when the front door opened. I turned to see Henry walking over to me. I smiled, "Hey."

"Hey," He smiled back at me. "I have something for you." I raised my eyebrows in confusion. He reached into his pocket to pull out a box. He opened the box and inside was a ring that looked like a crown.

 He opened the box and inside was a ring that looked like a crown

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I looked at him with side eyes, "Why?"

"Well, you said that you lost your ring in the ice wall. I was wanting to go looking for it, but mom wouldn't let me because I could've gotten hurt-" I cut him off.

"You were really going to look in the ice wall for my ring?" I was shocked. Henry nodded, "Why would you?"

"Because... you're my best friend. You looked so sad when you couldn't find your ring. You have been with me through everything and it was the least I could do. Plus, you're one of the best things to ever happen to me," I couldn't believe that he was going to look in the ice wall for that ring. I don't know anyone else that would actually do that for me. It could've gotten lost anywhere in there and he was actually going to look for it. "I know that it's not the same, but-"

I cut him off by hugging him, "Thank you so much," I'm pretty sure that I was crying by now which was kind of embarrassing. I pulled away and took the ring from him, looking at it. "Why a crown? If you don't mind me asking."

"Because no matter what happens or what goes wrong, you will always be a princess to me."

A Story That Will Never Die {Henry Mills/OUAT} [2]Where stories live. Discover now