Escape Attempts

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IT ALL STARTED with four bubbly girls waking me up in my bed. Couldn't they let a girl sleep? "Ariaaa," I heard sing-song voice say. Caroline. It was Caroline. Then I felt my pillow being ripped away from me. Bonnie...

I sat up, my hair a mess of purple. "What?" I questioned them harshly, crossing my arms. I was right, Bonnie had been the one to take my pillow.

"Well the girls dropped by to bring you some clothes," Charlotte explained, as they each dumped clothes onto my bed. Well, at least I can finally change now! They all smiled at me, and I gave them a weird look. What was with the smiles?

"I hope they fit. They might be a little big," Caroline explained. Then she took a bag out from behind her from a store and handed it to me. "There. It's a hairbrush, and some makeup," she explained. 'For not telling' Care mouthed to me, before smiling.

"Ooookay," I said to her, as they all kept staring at me. "You want me to try on the clothes, don't you?" I asked them, as they all nodded. "No. No way. Not happening," I explained, before picking out some jeans and a black t-shirt. "But I will put these on," I said, as I saw Elena's face brighten. Oh, so they were hers. I smiled and walked to the bathroom, putting the clothes on. I came out and realized I didn't have shoes. That's when I saw a pair of brand-new combat boots and my heart fluttered.

"Oh, those are from me," Charlotte smiled, as I took them silently with a smile and tried them on. My new babies... They fit perfectly. They were.. Well, they were beautiful.


After spending a couple hours with the girls, they had asked me questions about Storybrooke. They asked me about how it worked, and how other fairytales came into the town if they're all supposed to be in there. That's when I had to explain that there was a place called the Enchanted Forest, but it was destroyed after the Evil Queen's curse was placed on it. But it was better after Emma came and saved the town, as the "savior". Then I had to explain that there's also other places: Like Neverland (let's not relive those memories), Wonderland, and so on.

They asked me a couple questions about my past to get to know me better, but I dodged them all and changed the subject into something else every time they did. I then turned to Bonnie when I remembered I couldn't leave the house, "Since we're all friends now, I think I can say this... It really sucked that you put that spell on me."

"Oh, yeah. Sorry, I'll take that off now," Bonnie replied to me with a smile, raising her hand and closing her eyes, taking the spell off mentally with reciting anything. She's learning well...

A Story That Will Never Die {Henry Mills/OUAT} [2]Where stories live. Discover now