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The whole group was standing in front of the ice wall that kept us inside of Storybrooke. The adults were standing in front while Henry and I stood a little ways away from them. We were currently just talking right now. Henry was supposed to go with Regina so he could be somewhere safe while I was staying back and waiting before I went somewhere. So this was the only time I would actually be able to talk to my boyfriend... Weird, I've never used that word before... It feels nice.

"So how's it going?" I jokingly asked Henry.

He gave me a 'Really?' look, "Well, a curse is going to hit the town and it's going to make us hate each other. The Snow Queen is obsessed with my mom and I won't be here to help. How do you think it's going?" He laughed.

I shrugged, "Touche. I have to give it to you there," I noticed Henry's worried look and I looked at him curiously, "What's up?"

Henry looked off in thought, "I want to help you guys," I was about to speak, but he cut me off, "I know. It's too dangerous and I don't have any powers, but I want to be there just to help out a little. I don't want something to happen to you guys and I couldn't be there to prevent it somehow. I especially don't want anything to happen to you. I will go crazy if something happened to you."

I smiled at him, "You worry too much."

Henry looked back over at me, "Well, when stuff like this is always happening, someone needs to. Besides, it's my job to," I looked at him in confusion, "As a best friend and a boyfriend. Because... I love you." I stared at him in shock. We weren't even dating that long and he is already saying that he loves me. I wasn't able to say it back though. Why is because the adults walked over to us and started talking.

Elsa was the first to speak and she was looking down at the ribbon tied around her wrist, "These ribbons," Emma also held up her wrist to show hers. "If the Snow Queen wants us to be her sisters, then the curse won't affect us."

"So I should definitely watch Henry." Emma said to Regina. We're they really fighting about this now? I could probably take Henry somewhere while they're arguing and they wouldn't even notice it.

Regina shook her head, "No. You're part of this nut job's plan," Regina looked over at Henry and she was holding onto his arm, "I want Henry near me as long as it's safe for him."

Emma looked hesitant which made Henry reassure her, "It's okay, mom. I'll be fine with her."

Emma smiled a little and hugged the boy, "Be careful, kid."

I heard something and I turned to see what it was, "Oh my, God." My eyes widened at what was coming straight for us. A bunch of purple clouds were heading straight for the town... the curse.

Regina turned to see what I was looking at, "We gotta go. This is happening now."


The whole group, excluding Henry, was at the library now. We were all gathered around a map of the town. We were trying to come up with ways to help out before the curse hit. Leroy was the one who was talking now, "Sure, me and the guys can clear the tunnel. We'll have to work careful, but we can do it." David's phone rang, he excused himself, and he stood off to the side to take it.

"Let's go now." Elsa spoke up.

Regina just stared down at the map with a look on her face, "Look at this mess. A good mayor checks that these things are kept up to code."

"Yeah, well, if the mayor only has to worry about one villain, and it's herself, that frees up a lot of time for infrastructure. I've had other issues." Mary-Margaret fired at her.

I looked between them with raised eyebrows, "Is this really the time?"

Emma turned to Leroy, "Leroy, how long to clear the passage?"

"Couple of hours, maybe. We can get right on it." Leroy replied. Well, that's one good thing that is pleasing to hear. I zoned out as I thought about what Henry had said before. He literally told me that he loved me... We weren't even that far in our relationship and he already said that. I mean, yes, I'm happy to hear it, but I'm more shocked than anything. Was he just saying that or did he actually mean it? Was he actually in love with me?

I heard someone call out my name and I turned to see that everyone was staring at me. I looked at them in confusion, "What?"

"Are you okay?" Emma questioned me. I nodded a little and said a small yeah.

I saw David walking back over to us, "That was Belle over at the diner. It turns out they can possibly make the counter spell even if we don't find Anna. They can pull the mirror dust out of the necklace and try to use that."

Mary-Margaret looked surprised, "It's exactly the same?"

David nodded in confirmation, "Almost. It'll take a little longer. The process is difficult and... It will destroy the necklace." I looked over to see Elsa with a sad look on her face. I can see why though. I would feel that same exact way if I were in her position.

"So the necklace can either save all of us or Anna." Emma stated.

Elsa was completely against it, "No. It can do both. We have time."

Regina stared at the woman harshly, "We don't. Exploring these tunnels could take days."

"So what'll it be, folks?" Leroy inquired. "Save the town or find the sister?" It was silent for a few moments. No one had said a single word. No one knew what to say.

Emma was the one who spoke, "Come on, Aria. Lets get you somewhere safe." She started to lead me out of the library. I know she only did that to escape the very intense moment. I was thankful she did that though. I wouldn't have been able to last any longer in there.


I was in my room and the door was closed. Emma stood on the other side and I guided her through how to keep me in here with magic. I would do it myself, but it would make it easier for me to actually get out. "Try it now!" Emma called out. I tried to open the door, but found that I couldn't get out.

I nodded to myself and said back, "This should be good. Now go." I heard footsteps walking away from the door. Now all that was left to do was wait. This was going to be very boring...


A/N: Hey guys! I have something very important to talk about. So awhile back, I had mentioned that there would be a crossover with this story and Long Live the Queen. Well, we have changed the crossover to cross into our Vampire Diaries story and sequel called Fate or Destiny? and Blind Trust. So if you guys could go check out that story then that would be great! The crossover will be taking place on this story and it will start after the episode Heroes and Villains. The crossover will contain very important stuff abut Aria and you will find out more things about her.

That is all I have to say. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Bye!

A Story That Will Never Die {Henry Mills/OUAT} [2]Where stories live. Discover now