Shauns Girl

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    I'm Shaun, I am a 16 year old man, ha man more like a creepy farmboy, I got brown hair, brown eyes, and I've been told I kiss like a real romantic man! Yet no one likes me, they call me ugly. I live on a farm down Arkansa, my dad he mostly works on the farm I help him out a little by little! My mom she passed away, I remember all the good times we had, oh and my sister, Jane, god damnit my sister is one hell of a crazy mean girl, she gets on my nervs once in a while but all in all I love her. We are the Walton family.

    My dad is sending me to go live with my grandparents out in California, I don't feel like going, but I was raised to follow rules, so I got to go. I just hope I meet new friends! Only am I going to find out, moveing too Cali. For a year will be the best choice my dad ever made me!

    It is 9:00A.M. my dad woke me up, "Dad, com'on I don't feel like gett'in up!"

    "To bad son, get your ass down here, you donkey's ass."

    "Alright I'm comeing jeez." I whispered to myself, "People are dicks, especially him."

    I sat up, rubbing my hand across my face, "Man I'm so tired." I thaught to myself. I looked around for a second, my room is a dark blue room with, yellow carpeting and my cloths on the ground covering up the carpet! I got a fan on my egg white ceiling, and its always spinning, because I don't like the heat. I got up, I started walking, when I got down the stairs, I sat in the chair at the table across from my sister! She was all happy today, I wonder why? "Hey sis, why you so happy."

    My sister, answerd "Oh my god, Shaun!! I met this guy he is so sweet, he don't care that I got cuts on my thighs, he cuts too!"

    Thats the thing with my sister, ever since Ma passed away, she has been depressed, she's been cutting and she tried to comite suicide a couple times, I couldn't stand my self if she died. "Sis, please tell me you quit cutting?" I asked worried about her.

    "God damnit Jane, you better not be cutting again we don't got the cash to get you in the hospital, if your dumb ass cuts too deep!" My dad, replyed with anger.

    "Dad leave her alone..." I was interupted my my dad!

    "Shaun shut up boy get out side, and work!!"

    "Yes sir." I said, softly.

    I got up and headed out side to feed the hogs. When I niticed a car pulling up.

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